21 votes

Historic US ship could soon become the world's largest artificial reef


  1. chundissimo
    Artificial reefs are super cool! Kind of pricey in some cases (like this one), but they really can be great for certain ecosystems. It takes a while for life to form around it, but it’s...

    Artificial reefs are super cool! Kind of pricey in some cases (like this one), but they really can be great for certain ecosystems. It takes a while for life to form around it, but it’s otherworldly looking once it does. I dove a very small one once and it’s pretty neat, although not great for the claustrophobic.

    6 votes
  2. [2]
    (edited )
    NYT had an interesting long-form read on this a couple months ago.. The conservancy group really wanted to turn it more into a shore-side attraction, perhaps a hotel and museum. Looks like that...

    NYT had an interesting long-form read on this a couple months ago..

    The conservancy group really wanted to turn it more into a shore-side attraction, perhaps a hotel and museum. Looks like that won't be happening, but at least it simply won't be turned over to scrappers. An artificial reef for sea wildlife and for divers is still a good outcome.

    6 votes
    1. Thrabalen
      Link Parent
      I'm a Philadelphian, and having seen this thing with my own eyes, it's a little painful that I've seen it for the last time, but it least it's going to use.

      I'm a Philadelphian, and having seen this thing with my own eyes, it's a little painful that I've seen it for the last time, but it least it's going to use.

      1 vote