13 votes

Forests cover 70% of Sweden, but many argue the model of replacing old-growth forests with monoculture plantations is bad for biodiversity

1 comment

  1. ImmobileVoyager
    The point is that there is a long way from renewable to effectively renewed. Renewable is one of those happy words that we use when we talk the talk, but are absolutely not ready to walk the walk....

    The point is that there is a long way from renewable to effectively renewed.

    Renewable is one of those happy words that we use when we talk the talk, but are absolutely not ready to walk the walk.

    Also : from Pre-History to the Industrial Revolution, Europe had only wood for fuel, which resulted in her almost complete deforestation, even with ten times less Europeans, each of them using a modest fragment of the energy that a modest European uses today.

    So, if you read a paper touting "biomass" as an ernergy source, think of those photographs and remember that's whence this biomass comes from. (Even if the actual processes are more complicated and compartimentalized, in the end it always boils down to razing forests.)

    3 votes