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  • Showing only topics in ~games with the tag "fallen london". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Fallen London

      Anyone play? I only started a few months ago but I've been really enjoying it so far, it's a very comfy slow-burn and I love slowly pulling back the curtains on the mysteries of the Neath. It's...

      Anyone play? I only started a few months ago but I've been really enjoying it so far, it's a very comfy slow-burn and I love slowly pulling back the curtains on the mysteries of the Neath. It's something I can play in the morning over my tea or for a few minutes while waiting for the bus. I know some people find it a bit grindy but I haven't really been bothered too much by it, after all it only takes a minute to use up your twenty actions gathering souls or improving your watchful or whatever.

      5 votes