11 votes

Florida carpenter ant


  1. [2]
    Hey, it's Planet! How goes it? So... Tell us about the newcomers!

    Hey, it's Planet! How goes it?

    So... Tell us about the newcomers!

    5 votes
    1. Planet
      Link Parent
      These ants are the fastest growing species of carpenter ant (camponotus) in the US! In a few months they could teach 200-300 workers, while normal carpenter ants take over 3 years. Their bites are...

      These ants are the fastest growing species of carpenter ant (camponotus) in the US! In a few months they could teach 200-300 workers, while normal carpenter ants take over 3 years. Their bites are more painful than the sting of a fire ant, and if you get swarmed you will be bleeding.

      4 votes
  2. lou
    Why are they carpenters? What do they carpent?

    Why are they carpenters? What do they carpent?

    2 votes