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  • Showing only topics in ~life.style with the tag "beards". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Growing a beard. Tips and tricks, please!

      A huge thank you to everyone who responded to my hair thinning post. Here’s where I landed: Minoxidil is toxic to dogs and I’ve got a little fur buddy, and finasteride prevents me from donating...

      A huge thank you to everyone who responded to my hair thinning post.

      Here’s where I landed:

      Minoxidil is toxic to dogs and I’ve got a little fur buddy, and finasteride prevents me from donating blood and platelets, and that’s a new thing for me that I don’t want to give up. So, bald it is! I plan on shaving my head this coming summer.

      In the eventual absence of hair on my head though, I’d like to grow more on my face and keep it longer — something that’ll require actual grooming and upkeep. I’ve had a beard for a long time now, but I keep it quite short.

      So, what are all of my do’s and don’ts/tips and tricks for growing (and maintaining) a glorious beard?

      Also, I want this to be beneficial to ANYONE looking for beard info, so feel free to give short beard tips too.

      28 votes
    2. Guys, what style of facial hair (if any) do you have? Why that style?

      There are so many variants of beards, stubble, mustache, etc. around, and also clean shaven style. It's interesting why people prefer their particular facial hair styles, kinda the ideas behind...

      There are so many variants of beards, stubble, mustache, etc. around, and also clean shaven style. It's interesting why people prefer their particular facial hair styles, kinda the ideas behind them. Maybe depending on how it grows, and to feel confident, to be liked by others, or it feels nice, or something else. What's your story?

      16 votes