Growing a beard. Tips and tricks, please!
A huge thank you to everyone who responded to my hair thinning post. Here’s where I landed: Minoxidil is toxic to dogs and I’ve got a little fur buddy, and finasteride prevents me from donating...
A huge thank you to everyone who responded to my hair thinning post.
Here’s where I landed:
Minoxidil is toxic to dogs and I’ve got a little fur buddy, and finasteride prevents me from donating blood and platelets, and that’s a new thing for me that I don’t want to give up. So, bald it is! I plan on shaving my head this coming summer.
In the eventual absence of hair on my head though, I’d like to grow more on my face and keep it longer — something that’ll require actual grooming and upkeep. I’ve had a beard for a long time now, but I keep it quite short.
So, what are all of my do’s and don’ts/tips and tricks for growing (and maintaining) a glorious beard?
Also, I want this to be beneficial to ANYONE looking for beard info, so feel free to give short beard tips too.