4 votes

Tildes Video Thread

Find yourself watching tons of great videos on [insert chosen video sharing platform], but also find yourself reluctant to flood the Tildes front page with them? Then this thread is for you.

It could be one quirky video that you feel deserves some eyeballs on it, or perhaps you've got a curated list of videos that you'd love to talk us through...

Share some of the best video content you've watched this past week/fortnight with us!


  1. mat
    Antikythera Fragment #12 - Files, Saws and Reamers - Constructing The Antikythera Mechanism. If you're not aware of Clickspring's 7+ year long ongoing quest to recreate the Antikythera mechanism...

    Antikythera Fragment #12 - Files, Saws and Reamers - Constructing The Antikythera Mechanism. If you're not aware of Clickspring's 7+ year long ongoing quest to recreate the Antikythera mechanism using only period accurate tools and techniques, it's one of the most incredible hobby projects I've ever seen. Full construction playlist and Fragments playlist (Fragments is more where he talks about the toolmaking and more diverse bit of discussion)

    Inside the Peculiar World of Farming Simulator eSports. It's competitive Farming Simulator. Nuff said.

    Is Color EInk Worth the Hype, I've been in the market for a new eReader for a few months now and I'm really really unsure about colour in it's current guise. It's almost there, but for a device which I won't replace for many years (my current reader is almost ten years old), I'm not sure I want to invest in "almost there".

    The greatest clock (and map) ever made - I had a software version of this device many years ago and I loved it, I would very very much like to own a physical version. There is currently ONE used for sale in the UK and it's at £320 with several days left on the auction. Anyway, cool clock, cool map.

    The Batsh*t software Aphex Twin used. Exactly what it says on the tin. If you're even vaguely interested in music production or Aphex Twin (or both), definitely watch this video. Made by the guy behind The Flashbulb, who actually knows RDJ personally so has a little more insight than some random trying to figure it out.

    POPPY GAME INSULT TO OUR WAR DEAD Ahoy on the controversy surrounding Cannon Fodder way, way back in the day.

    The best joke in the German language finally gets a sequel (German, some subtitles do exist). Joke translation and explainer here)

    3 votes
  2. mycketforvirrad
    Why is there still a debate about Ancelotti? YouTube – The Athletic FC – 1st June 2024

    Why is there still a debate about Ancelotti?

    Carlo Ancelotti is a serial winner. He's the only manager to have won the title in all the top five European leagues and he's on the verge of his fifth Champions League win.

    So why is there still a debate about Ancelotti?

    YouTube – The Athletic FC – 1st June 2024

    1 vote