15 votes

Race Science Inc. | Undercover in The Human Diversity Foundation, the million-dollar race science company


  1. AugustusFerdinand

    The Scandza Forum is one of the most important events in the far-right calendar. Hosted by Fróði Midjord, a Scandinavian neo-Nazi, it is a conference of extremist intellectuals who gather for lectures on white nationalism, race science, and World War II revisionism. In May 2023, the Scandza Forum was held for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic at the Von Stackelberg Hotel in Tallinn, Estonia, attracting more than 100 far-right activists from across the western world.

    Among the guests was an undercover reporter for HOPE not hate.

    At the conference, our infiltrator met a man who introduced himself as Matthew Archer, although we now know his real name is Matthew Frost.

    Frost said he was the founder of Aporia, a website running stories on “HBD”, or human biodiversity. This is the belief that there are meaningful and measurable differences between different “races”, especially in terms of intelligence. It is, in essence, the misuse of science to promote racist ideology.

    Advocates of eugenics are often stereotyped as old, conspiratorial cranks whose papers are confined to obscure publications with dwindling audiences. Aporia, however, is younger, slicker, and much more popular, boasting 14,000 subscribers on Substack and almost 10,000 followers on X/Twitter.

    After the Tallinn conference, HOPE not hate set out to understand the wider ecosystem in which Aporia operates. Over six months, our reporter posed as a wealthy investor looking to give Aporia a six-figure cash injection. Excited by the prospect, Matthew Frost and his colleagues revealed their inner secrets in business meetings, dinners, video calls, WhatsApp conversations, voice notes, and internal company documents.

    8 votes
  2. MechanicalMagpie
    holy shit. At first it was just....garden variety "oh, these folks like to willfully misinterpret science and theyre also incredibly goofy" and then all of a sudden it was "oh...oh no, they're...

    holy shit. At first it was just....garden variety "oh, these folks like to willfully misinterpret science and theyre also incredibly goofy" and then all of a sudden it was "oh...oh no, they're genuinely making actual real-world steps towards committing violence in the name of white supremacy."

    perhaps i make too light of it but Absolutely wild that that one guy literally broke up with his girlfriend so he could spend more time.....peddling white supremacy and trying to become a cult leader???? That's. Sad, honestly. I can't imagine being so disconnected from the actual, real people around me that i think the best way to live my life is by trying to start a violent cult centered around a mythologised non-existent past, as though *I'm* going to be the super special dictator who solves all the world's problems (for me and my besties *only* 😤) and definitely won't get overthrown by my own henchmen (and/or literally anyone who isnt drinking the chūnbyō juice I'm peddling) for being an absolute, insufferable tit.
    6 votes