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Autocracy: Rules for Survival - 2016 - Russian-born journalist Masha Gessen reflects on the election of Donald Trump

1 comment

  1. stephen
    I've been relying on the unique perspective of Masha Geseen a lot lately to work through the current presidency - particularly wrt to his autocratic bent.. I defer to her as she is both a critic...

    I've been relying on the unique perspective of Masha Geseen a lot lately to work through the current presidency - particularly wrt to his autocratic bent.. I defer to her as she is both a critic of Putin and an American so when it comes to Trump I can't think of anyone more able to process the day's news. Much has been said about autocracy in America but seldom by someone who with as rich a firsthand experience of it as her.

    I am revisiting this nearly two year old article because it is written pre-inauguration -- and so without any knowledge of what President Trump will actually be like. I was most struck by the opening where she characterizes the generally conciliatory reception Trump received from Clinton, Obama, and even Warren and Sanders.

    I hope reading this will help other process what even still feels unfathomable about the current regime.