6 votes

Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news

Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like winamp, pfas and baking. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was bamboozled.

But one of my favourite tags happens to be offbeat! Taking its original inspiration from Sir Nils Olav III, this thread is looking for any far-fetched offbeat stories lurking in the newspapers. It may not deserve its own post, but it deserves a wider audience!

1 comment

  1. mycketforvirrad
    Worm-charming festival in UK lures the wild and the slimy DW – Charlotte Chelsom-Pill – 24th May 2024

    Worm-charming festival in UK lures the wild and the slimy

    As summer arrives in the UK, so does one of its most unusual festivals. The annual worm charming championship has taken place in Cornwall. Crowds gathered to show off the wildest and weirdest ways to woo a worm out of the ground.

    DW – Charlotte Chelsom-Pill – 24th May 2024

    3 votes