13 votes

Ig Nobel prizes 2024: The unexpected science that won this year

1 comment

  1. Oxalis
    As fun as this years winners are, I'm surprised that there isn't more chatter about the demography award winner. Digging into population longevity data and finding that pretty much all the "people...

    As fun as this years winners are, I'm surprised that there isn't more chatter about the demography award winner.

    Digging into population longevity data and finding that pretty much all the "people who live in X are living longer thanks to Y and Z" stuff is complete bunk is pretty scary and frustrating. Discovering that the vast majority of global supercentenarian are either long dead or active pension fraud throws so much global health narrative in the garbage.

    Here's the preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/704080v3

    3 votes