8 votes

Single molecular insulator pushes boundaries of current state of the art: Ever shrinking transistors are the key to faster and more efficient computer processing

1 comment

  1. silva-rerum
    Submission statement: I’m a layman who’s interested in transistors and the role they’ve played in launching the computer industry (and the electronics industry in general) into the behemoth force...

    Submission statement:

    I’m a layman who’s interested in transistors and the role they’ve played in launching the computer industry (and the electronics industry in general) into the behemoth force it is today. I’m also a layman when it comes to my interest in quantum mechanics, but the fact that this article covers the intersection between engineering, computer science, QM (specifically quantum tunneling), and a few other disciplines is also important to me. I think interdisciplinary research is necessary and vital to the cross-pollination of scientific ideas in society.

    1 vote