11 votes

Brazil is embracing the migrant crisis that everyone else wants to avoid

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  1. [2]
    The photo of one man's kitchen cabinet, absurdly full of bottles of dish soap, felt particularly poignant considering a quote later in the text:

    The photo of one man's kitchen cabinet, absurdly full of bottles of dish soap, felt particularly poignant considering a quote later in the text:

    “This was impossible in Venezuela,” he said, opening cabinets filled with dried beans and cleaning products.

    10 votes
    1. pesus
      Link Parent
      As many complaints and issues as I might have with how things are currently, I do think it’s important to read things like this and keep it in perspective. I’ve never once felt like I might not be...

      As many complaints and issues as I might have with how things are currently, I do think it’s important to read things like this and keep it in perspective. I’ve never once felt like I might not be able to get as many cleaning products as possible whenever I want (not counting the freak outs during covid), and yet to other people they are a luxury or a straight up impossibility. Very humbling.

      3 votes