28 votes

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  1. FarraigePlaisteach
    In 2019 the EU Parliament voted against resuming search and rescue for migrants making hazardous journeys https://www.thejournal.ie/what-led-to-the-2019-fine-gael-migration-vote-5554489-Oct2021/...

    In 2019 the EU Parliament voted against resuming search and rescue for migrants making hazardous journeys https://www.thejournal.ie/what-led-to-the-2019-fine-gael-migration-vote-5554489-Oct2021/

    Despite listening to some politicians who voted against resuming the searches, I still don’t understand. Some have downplayed the significance of the vote since it wasn’t legally binding at that stage. Others have countered that if politicians genuinely had issues with certain details (which is their defence for voting this way), the norm is to table an amendment rather than an outright rejection.

    9 votes
  2. bushbear
    https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/455478/how-migration-really-works-by-haas-hein-de/9780241632208 I recently read this book on the topic because it's something that interests me and I'm a migrant....


    I recently read this book on the topic because it's something that interests me and I'm a migrant. It's a really good book that answers a lot of questions as well as confirmed some ideas I have on the subject.

    I think the migration issue is purposely left open so that politicians can have an "other" to point at and use to pass more restrictive laws. I'm not an expert when it comes to this but if you dig down to the core of the topic then we are dealing with people. We should try to be kind and understanding to them and help where we can because the politicians won't.

    if you are interested in this topic then check out collective aid, refugee Community kitchen, no name kitchen, utopia 56 and no border paramedics. These organisations have more information and volunteer opportunities.

    8 votes
  3. Tum
    Here is the press release from the European Commission if you're interested. Also note that Europe plans to work with countries of origin to prevent smugglers from sending people to begin with....

    Here is the press release from the European Commission if you're interested. Also note that Europe plans to work with countries of origin to prevent smugglers from sending people to begin with. This isn't just about dangerous boat crossings.

    1 vote
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        1. oracle
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          Yes, nations should accept as many refugees as they can. What do you mean by "what do we do" with citizens? They will still be around, benefiting from positive net migration. This reeks of racism.

          However I think your point about EU is unfair, what should, we do take everybody that comes? What do we do with our current citizens?

          Yes, nations should accept as many refugees as they can. What do you mean by "what do we do" with citizens? They will still be around, benefiting from positive net migration.

          not turn our society into what they had back home

          This reeks of racism.

          1 vote
    2. snowgoon
      Link Parent
      Considering the far right talks about kicking out any one with too much melanin in their skin. I seriously doubt they will accept such a solution.

      Considering the far right talks about kicking out any one with too much melanin in their skin. I seriously doubt they will accept such a solution.

      6 votes