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  1. alyaza
    man, what a mess. there are so, so many things that went horribly wrong here that it honestly seems like this project was basically doomed on arrival and it took until things were already well...

    man, what a mess. there are so, so many things that went horribly wrong here that it honestly seems like this project was basically doomed on arrival and it took until things were already well underway for the state to recognize that it pretty much fucked itself in the long run. what's honestly most amusing is that bevin seems to be opposed to it in practice since he's a small government conservative, but it's such a money sink already that he's in part decided to stick with it because not continuing with it is a shittier deal than just eating the cost:

    Bevin also saw that scaling back the project wouldn’t actually be cheaper, said former KentuckyWired overseer Brown. In early 2016, the state examined multiple scenarios, including scaling back the project to just its eastern ring.
    The savings were “negligible to nonexistent,” Brown said. He placed the cost of terminating the project at that time at $163.9 million, before any lawsuits.
    Dropping the two westernmost of the project’s six loops would still cost the state $300 million overall and leave Kentucky less able to pay back Macquarie, Brown said.

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