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TV Tuesdays Free Talk

Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

1 comment

  1. joplin
    (edited )
    We finished up The Flight Attendant last night. It turned out to be really good. I'd definitely recommend it now that I've seen the whole thing. They managed to avoid a lot of the annoying things...

    We finished up The Flight Attendant last night. It turned out to be really good. I'd definitely recommend it now that I've seen the whole thing. They managed to avoid a lot of the annoying things they could have done with it, which pleased me greatly. I should add a warning that there are some gruesome scenes of both hunting and murder. If you're squeamish you should probably avoid this one.

    I just learned about Resident Alient with Alan Tudyck on SyFy. I have it in the queue but haven't watched it yet. He plays an alien that crash lands on Earth and has to learn to fit in while he tries to repair his ship. It's a comedy/sci fi show.

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