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  1. Comment on Thoughts on VR? in ~tech

    I am an occasional VR user, but relatively bearish on the technology. I had one of the early Oculus headsets, and own the Quest 1 and Quest 3. A partner and I did VR "dates" for a while, playing...

    I am an occasional VR user, but relatively bearish on the technology.

    I had one of the early Oculus headsets, and own the Quest 1 and Quest 3. A partner and I did VR "dates" for a while, playing Rec Room games together during a time when we were long-distance. I just got the Quest 3 recently and use it rarely.

    I feel that the immersion provided by VR provides only a marginal boost to my enjoyment of a game or experience. The tech has definitely come a long way, but I still feel that the trend isn't leading to a place where it will meaningfully displace a traditional laptop setup. That would require a level of immersion that I doubt is technologically in the cards any time in the near future (possibly not ever).

    This is a loosely held belief though - and I'd in particular like to try the Vision Pro before I state it with real certainty.

    I'm more bullish about augmented reality experiences (i.e. Google Glass or Hololens-like devices). The waveguide tech seems to get smaller and cheaper every year. Eventually, it would be nice to just carry a keyboard and trackpad around, and have the rest of my laptop in my glasses (as well as my smartphone and smartwatch).

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