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  1. Comment on Is Nebula worth it? in ~tech

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    I will admit thaty own disillusion and annoyence with subscriptipn services (it's hell for me to manage) is certainly also a draw in this case, and I'll admit that after a certain point in time...

    I will admit thaty own disillusion and annoyence with subscriptipn services (it's hell for me to manage) is certainly also a draw in this case, and I'll admit that after a certain point in time the monetary value of a continuous monthly subscription would exceed what I paid for lifetime access. I don't remember how long that would be (some number of years, I think two, not accounting for inflation).

    As the creators get their money as a fraction of the company's profit (currently 50%) then naively half of the money would go to the creators that were active at in that month giving them an extra bonus.

    But that is probably not how that worked.

    I assume that the people that run Nebula are at least competent, if not very competent, and as such they would only make the offer of a one time payment for lifetime subscription if it was a good idea for them. Now there a many scenarios where a bog lump sum now would be more valuable for them than a bunch of small sums perpetually. Monetary crisis, expensive development, the setup of secondary profit from investment. The actual specific case interesting, but not relevant.

    What is relevant is that a lump sum now is worth more than the same sum later or the same sum divided out over time, and that any specific circumstances can increase the difference in value.

    Now there is still the matter of how this money will support the creators after the point in time at which the lump sum is worth as much as a continous subscription (assuming that the circumstances thatnled Nebula to offer the life time subscription wasn't that they lacked funding to survive, which I think is an actual possibility). I look at this as a gamble on my understanding of my own nature. A fickle thing I am, and easily distracted, so itbis not certain that I would stay subscribed to a service for so long that I would be able to supply them with the same amount of value as I gave with the lump sum. I have a feeling that having to pay a monthly subscription would at some point annoy me enough that my interest in the creators through association with the service would be damaged. If I'm right, then by this action I've giving the creators mpre value than if I'd started on the monthly subscription and failed. Now I'll never know if I'm wrong in this regard, but I can always reevaluate if I want to give creators I love more resources in the future.

    And in any case, it certainly has made my enjoyment of Nebula as a whole much more clean. It's much easier to root for something that you aren't chained to through monthly payments.

    Edit: I'm a verbose motherfucker. Sorry not sorry.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Is Nebula worth it? in ~tech

    I paid for the lifetime subscription (don't know if that is still a deal they have) and have it added as a source to my Grayjay app. I really enjoy the content, and want to ensure the creators...

    I paid for the lifetime subscription (don't know if that is still a deal they have) and have it added as a source to my Grayjay app. I really enjoy the content, and want to ensure the creators have something to live off of without using Alphabet as a middle man and seeing endless commercials (it's mind numbing). So for me it is mainly a way to reduce the hassle of choosing which creator to fund while also supporting a commercial move away from youtube.

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