DwoMen's recent activity

  1. Comment on Adderall risks: Much more than you wanted to know (2017) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    In this statement, he equates ADHD with an inability to concentrate, a gross mischaracterization, I lack the proper words to convey how off this is. Then in the next section he compares a disorder...

    But “ability to concentrate” is a normally distributed trait, like IQ. We draw a line at some point on the far left of the bell curve and tell the people on the far side that they’ve “got” “the disease” of “ADHD”.

    In this statement, he equates ADHD with an inability to concentrate, a gross mischaracterization, I lack the proper words to convey how off this is. Then in the next section he compares a disorder with centuries of evidence, hundreds of thousands of studies, real human struggles to.... height, to being short. It doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to say.

    of course it’s biological! Height is biological! But that doesn’t mean the world is divided into two natural categories of “healthy people” and “people who have Height Deficiency Syndrome“ Attention is the same way.

    a lot of them report an almost “magical” effect

    By this point the tone, for me, is clear: This guy hates ADHD, and this is a mocking the feeling of immense relief people get from their medication.

    Adderall doesn’t “cure” the “disease” of ADHD,

    Again, scare quotes around disease convey a clear contempt for the whole idea of ADHD.

    I can see where he starts to make an argument for allowing non ADHD people to access the drug, and I can get behind that. But this lead up is so full of disdain, I can hardly bear to keep reading. The article feels so unprofessional, unacademic, I don't feel I can trust anything this person says.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    alright, I’ll definitely give it a shot. Probably soon

    alright, I’ll definitely give it a shot. Probably soon

    2 votes
  3. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Yeah, the euphemistic “fan service” is why I hardly watch anime, and have trouble taking people seriously who watch lots of it. Even when I’ve grown to respect someone, and then learn they watch...

    Yeah, the euphemistic “fan service” is why I hardly watch anime, and have trouble taking people seriously who watch lots of it. Even when I’ve grown to respect someone, and then learn they watch anime… then I try out a recommendation of theirs… I’m usually disappointed. I get guilty pleasures, but please don’t try to sell it to me as some artistic masterpiece.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Adderall risks: Much more than you wanted to know (2017) in ~health.mental

    I could not disagree more with his characterization of ADHD as simply a poor ranking on the normal distribution of concentration ability. Dr Russell Barkley is arguably the world expert in ADHD...

    I could not disagree more with his characterization of ADHD as simply a poor ranking on the normal distribution of concentration ability.

    Dr Russell Barkley is arguably the world expert in ADHD and he makes it quite clear how much more ADHD is. He has his qualms with the DSM too, but holy crap did this paint ADHD as a mere inconvenient personality quirk.

    To clarify I only was able to read a few paragraphs in because this oversight was too egregious to keep reading.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Finally started Spy x Family, cutest show. My wife typically shys away from animation but she really like it too.

    Finally started Spy x Family, cutest show. My wife typically shys away from animation but she really like it too.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Got a baratza encore, it works pretty well. I only wish it sounded more premium. It’s not the worst, but not the best sound early in the morning.

    Got a baratza encore, it works pretty well. I only wish it sounded more premium. It’s not the worst, but not the best sound early in the morning.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I think I need a second couch, because it really seems to need that rest time too. Well, probably more that I need a job and some hobbies to get me out of the house more.

    I think I need a second couch, because it really seems to need that rest time too. Well, probably more that I need a job and some hobbies to get me out of the house more.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Are you me? I have sought out all of those things, very nice list.

    Are you me? I have sought out all of those things, very nice list.

    1 vote