KilledByAPixel's recent activity

  1. Comment on City In A Bottle – A 256 Byte Raycasting System in ~comp

  2. Comment on City In A Bottle – A 256 Byte Raycasting System in ~comp

  3. Comment on City In A Bottle – A 256 Byte Raycasting System in ~comp

    (edited )
    Howdy, I just finished writing up this post about my tiny raycasting system and city generator. I had originally released this program 2 years ago at the Revision demo party so this post has been...

    Howdy, I just finished writing up this post about my tiny raycasting system and city generator. I had originally released this program 2 years ago at the Revision demo party so this post has been a long time in the making. In it I walk through all the code line by line and include many images along the way to help explain things. I hope people find it interesting!

    16 votes
  4. Comment on Lovebyte Party is LIVE! - Sizecoding compo with 8 bytes to 1k demos in ~comp

    (edited )
    A celebration of the smallest programs with a dedicated sizecoding demoparty/event, held on the weekend of 9-11th February 2024! More info: Youtube:...

    A celebration of the smallest programs with a dedicated sizecoding demoparty/event, held on the weekend of 9-11th February 2024!

    More info:

    This year I have submitted entries for 64 bytes up to 1k, all JS/HTML. It is hard to compete directly against some of these fantasy consoles but I do what I can. If you miss the show they will also post it on YouTube soon. Have a good weekend!

    2 votes
  5. Comment on If I wanted to make a game like Wordle, where would I start? in ~comp

    I would recommend starting with just vanilla JavaScript for the prototype. For something like wordle you should be able to get it working in less then a page of code. There really isn't much...

    I would recommend starting with just vanilla JavaScript for the prototype. For something like wordle you should be able to get it working in less then a page of code. There really isn't much complexity to the game and the bulk of the code will be UI.

    Some of my friends recently golfed a wordle game down to only 214 bytes of html and javascript, not that I would recommend going for that small initially!

    For a slightly larger game I'd recommend checking out my open source javascript game engine LittleJS.

    14 votes
  6. Comment on Astronomic Comics – Generative Comic Books in ~creative

  7. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Have you never opened a pack of baseball cards? Have you never pre-oredered a videogame? Can you explain how nfts are scarce when you can download them for free? sure "ownership" of them is scarce...

    What is the point of buying a receipt for a piece of artwork that you have never seen?

    Have you never opened a pack of baseball cards? Have you never pre-oredered a videogame?

    Can you explain how nfts are scarce when you can download them for free? sure "ownership" of them is scarce but they are free to anyone that wants one. what if i told you that i could sell you the mona lisa for only a thousand dollars but it needs to stay exactly where it is in the museum. this is how nfts are. it's like saying paintings in a museum are scarce because they are too expensive to buy.

  8. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Scarcity of art. art we are talking about art here, not anything people need. Are you angry that other types of art have limited editions also? limited run comic books, so evil right? these poor...
    1. Scarcity of art. art we are talking about art here, not anything people need. Are you angry that other types of art have limited editions also? limited run comic books, so evil right? these poor people need their art and cant get it.

    2. Value can change, just like the stock market, scams can happen just like real life. The good thing is you don't need to buy anything to enjoy nfts.

    3. Minting costs pennies on the dollar depending on which currency you use.

    4. No it isn't Tezos for example is orders of magnitude more efficient then bitcoin.

    5. Yes, the rich get richer, this is just how the world works. But also with NFTs the more creative get richer and people who invest in good art get richer.

    6. Everyone that said this I asked "would it matter if the nft held the image?", of course it doesn't matter to anyone. why would we care about that? you. can. download. the. nft. back it up. your ownership of it is stored on the blockchain which will not go down because it is distributed. Do you care that your email is on stored Google's servers?

  9. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    that isn't the kind of thing because i don't often read articles or watch videos about that sort of thing. I've also been incredibly busy for months and have trouble keeping up on even my most...

    that isn't the kind of thing because i don't often read articles or watch videos about that sort of thing. I've also been incredibly busy for months and have trouble keeping up on even my most favorite things. im sure something like that exists though.

  10. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    true that, i am not taking it personal but just gets tiring when I get slammed with so many half truths. it starts to spin out of control.

    true that, i am not taking it personal but just gets tiring when I get slammed with so many half truths. it starts to spin out of control.

  11. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    i agree, but only after the fact, i was not prepared for this amount of one sided hate! i think there really is a lot of hate there though. if i titled it like "what is good about nfts?" or even...

    i agree, but only after the fact, i was not prepared for this amount of one sided hate!

    i think there really is a lot of hate there though. if i titled it like "what is good about nfts?" or even "nfts are not the evil monster you think they are". people will gloss over what i wrote, and insert their own opinions. though the title certainly didn't help but i am generally more interested in why people dislike and i learned a lot from the discussion about common misconceptions. nearly everyone that commented was partially to completely uninformed.

    i really though there would be a higher level of discussion on tildes but it quickly devolved into a dumpster fire of nft hate. this is why i gave up talking to republicans about politics. they say one crazy thing then you are like well tezos are not an environmental problem like bitcoin. then suddenly another problem pops up, oh, maybe the image isn't there it just points to it. so i ask, would it matter if the image was there? turns out it doesn't, they are just throwing out random strawman arguments. it is exhausting.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    First of all that is from April of last year. Secondly of course it is true that most sales are less then 200 bucks, that's a lot of money!

    First of all that is from April of last year.

    Secondly of course it is true that most sales are less then 200 bucks, that's a lot of money!

    1 vote
  13. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    no worries, I feel I am getting a bit rude because I have been replying to comments about nfts similar to yours and basically have given up. from what i gather, most people in this thread think of...

    no worries, I feel I am getting a bit rude because I have been replying to comments about nfts similar to yours and basically have given up.

    from what i gather, most people in this thread think of nfts as gifs or images that people buy with bitcoin. nfts can be that but they can be many other things too.

    when i think of nfts, i am currently thinking of limited edition generative art seeds to a small JavaScript program that creates art that is free to view for anyone but fans/collectors/investors can purchase if they want. also with tezos which is orders of magnitude cleaner then bitcoin, it's not even an issue.

    for example (i am not shilling here because it's already sold out and that's not really the point) here's a link to the gallery of 128 of a recent piece i released.

    the key distinction that interests me is that of those 128 pieces, no one knew what they would look like before they bought them. i didn't even know. because it is randomly generated. once it has been purchased it becomes a real boy in a sense. anyway, i hope that helps explain where i am coming from.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    no, not really. maybe you haven't read anything i've said in this thread. i don't agree. you are starting from an incorrect assumption. your obsession with money has nothing to do with it. i'm...

    no, not really. maybe you haven't read anything i've said in this thread.

    NFTs are unreasonable

    i don't agree. you are starting from an incorrect assumption.

    But whatabout fiat money, how unreasonable is that?

    your obsession with money has nothing to do with it. i'm taking about art here.

  15. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    So much misinformation here, I don't know where to begin. I'll just point out one simple factual non disupatable thing to demonstrate this person actually has no clue what they are taking about....

    So much misinformation here, I don't know where to begin. I'll just point out one simple factual non disupatable thing to demonstrate this person actually has no clue what they are taking about.

    Artists who get into NFTs with a sincere hope of making money are often hit with a harsh reality that they're losing more money to minting NFTs of their art is making in profit. (Each individual minted art piece costs about $70-$100 USD to mint)

    No. I've never paid more then $1, I think it's more like on the order of 15 cents to make a few hundred nfts. Sure it is much more if you use bitcoin, but that's in no way a requirement for nfts.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I am aware that it was possible to purchase art pre nft. This is not new information for anyone. Perhaps it is you who are uninformed? You can buy art on etsy sure. But what you can't do is sell...

    I am aware that it was possible to purchase art pre nft. This is not new information for anyone. Perhaps it is you who are uninformed?

    You can buy art on etsy sure. But what you can't do is sell that art to another person and have the artist get a 10%-25% commission of that sale. Sure it is theoretically possible to do so, but would be an extremely unlikely occurrence pre nft.

    You don't seem to understand the difference of having a digital marketplace to buy and sell art.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on NFTs, why do people hate them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Before NFTs, how was digital art being bought sold and traded? That's really the heart of the matter and the fact is it wasn't. Yes you can get paid for other things, of course, but to get paid...

    NTFs are the only way that art can be bought, sold, and traded.

    I don't think that is true. I mean, it is great that artists are getting paid, but there are other sources of revenue besides NFTs.

    Before NFTs, how was digital art being bought sold and traded? That's really the heart of the matter and the fact is it wasn't. Yes you can get paid for other things, of course, but to get paid for selling your art directly to a fan/collector is another thing entirely. I was just thinking about it earlier, in a way buying NFTs are like buying stock in an artist.