Loreasz's recent activity
Comment on Great examples of explaining an algorithm (or even just a process) in ~engineering
Comment on What are some of your favorite "meeting games?" in ~games
Loreasz I thinj Dicey Dungeons or Slice&Dice would be my recommendations - both are roguelites to some extent, are turn based, so you don't need to focus all your attention on them. Both are available on...I thinj Dicey Dungeons or Slice&Dice would be my recommendations - both are roguelites to some extent, are turn based, so you don't need to focus all your attention on them. Both are available on PC and Android.
I am unsure what kind of algorithm you are thinking about and what exactly would audience for your document be, but I like how 3blue1brown articles are written
Also, I like this recent article, it has fewer illustrations - and has code in their place: