Madcow's recent activity

  1. Comment on defederating effective immediately from and in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I think going for a slow and organic growth is the right approach and it's admirable that the admins on here don't give into the fear of missing out on users jumping ship on Reddit. I'm really...

    I think going for a slow and organic growth is the right approach and it's admirable that the admins on here don't give into the fear of missing out on users jumping ship on Reddit. I'm really optimistic for Tildes!

    Also while I'm a big advocate for FOSS and the principles behind it I don't think the federated approach of Lemmy will work out. Scattering your userbase on different instances and then even allowing the mods to cut off big chunks of the userbase seems problematic. And the answer can't be to just register multiple accounts like people suggest in the comments there.

    43 votes