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  1. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Howdy! I've not dug into NixOS too much, but what I use personally and at work is SaltStack. While there are certainly benefits to using exclusively one OS, we often need various out-of-the-box...


    I've not dug into NixOS too much, but what I use personally and at work is SaltStack. While there are certainly benefits to using exclusively one OS, we often need various out-of-the-box functionality that isn't all found in just one.

    Using SaltStack, you can build a server (VM or Bare-metal) that will act as the "master". You can use this machine to define configurations, templates, and more. When you then install an OS or VM, you simply need to install the " minion" package and use the "master" to push changes to the device, including settings, package installs, etc.

    This way, you can use whichever OS you deem fit for a specific application, and still easily tie it into a manageable ecosystem. SaltStack is also open-source, has a great API, and is very extensible using Python.

    Good luck whichever route you decide to take!

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