Power's recent activity

  1. Comment on To those who started using Lemmy recently, what are your impressions so far on its content and discussions? in ~tech

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    This is my sentiment as well. I have used RIF for some 10 years. I've never had Instagram, Twitter, etc. 99% of my Reddit use is on the phone. It has been my one stop shop for online connectedness...

    What I miss most about Reddit is it being a one stop place for my news and information.

    This is my sentiment as well. I have used RIF for some 10 years. I've never had Instagram, Twitter, etc. 99% of my Reddit use is on the phone. It has been my one stop shop for online connectedness for a decade. Whether it was world news, national headlines, my local city's circlejerk subreddit, game announcements, tour announcements for bands I follow, or anything else, it was how I stayed up to date with the information I wanted (and lots I didn't want).

    I'm sure I'll slowly find ways to fill some of those niches, or just end up checking Reddit on my computer periodically for video game news/band announcements.

    I am testing out News Minimalist as a way to stay up to date with big headlines, so that I'm not completely oblivious to headlines.

    The rest.. I'll figure out with time. It is odd to change a decades worth of habits, but on the other hand it was never smart for me to depend on one thing so much to begin with!

    9 votes
  2. Comment on What are your go-to mobile apps? in ~tech

    As a way to kill time, I've been really into Marvel Snap this year. Quick games, low stakes, fun interactions between cards. All the micro transactions are optional/cosmetic, so I don't feel like...

    As a way to kill time, I've been really into Marvel Snap this year. Quick games, low stakes, fun interactions between cards. All the micro transactions are optional/cosmetic, so I don't feel like I fall behind if I don't buy a season pass or bundle.

    It's just a simple, fun card game that you can spend 5 minutes playing or go for long sessions trying out new cards. Also you don't particulaly need to be a Marvel fan to enjoy the game. I'm not into the MCU by any means, but I enjoy the card interactions, colorful art, flashy UI, and simple gameplay.

    6 votes