Quercus_guapo's recent activity

  1. Comment on Tildes Book Club: Discussion topic for Roadside Picnic in ~books

    Link Parent
    Way late to the discussion here - but just finished Roadside Picnic. Really enjoyed this story suggestion, discussion questions, and reading the group comments! Thank you. Will try and jump on the...

    Way late to the discussion here - but just finished Roadside Picnic. Really enjoyed this story suggestion, discussion questions, and reading the group comments! Thank you. Will try and jump on the next book quicker.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    I've been working on getting back into landscape painting - packed away my oils and studio stuff THREE whole years ago when I moved across the country for work. I spent lots of time over the past...

    I've been working on getting back into landscape painting - packed away my oils and studio stuff THREE whole years ago when I moved across the country for work. I spent lots of time over the past few years with my sketchbook; traveling across the state and taking lots of scenic, "boy this should be a painting", reference photos.

    Work has been busy, time consuming, and stressful. Long hours and long weeks don't help motivation to be creative. However, to unwind a bit I started doing some small value/composition studies (in gouache) last week of some of my favorite reference photos... Which motivated me to finally unpack my art stuff and set up a small spot in a spare room with my easel. Now I just have to try and remember how to hold a brush and sling some paint.

    4 votes