Reddit_Deadit's recent activity

  1. Comment on So far this site has been mostly politics-averse, but I am curious if I am alone as an MAGA/Trump voter/supporter in a sea of reddit mods in ~talk

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    Do you see Trump living up to these promises? When he said America First I know my Trump-supporting family/friends assumed that would mean putting us in front of his own interests, which is...

    Do you see Trump living up to these promises?

    When he said America First I know my Trump-supporting family/friends assumed that would mean putting us in front of his own interests, which is clearly not the case.

    The truth is that Trump only exists because right-wing media has created an alternative reality in which the country was suffering under Obama and needed Trump to save us from the PC culture police.

    He doesn't represent traditional conservative values one bit, he represents that angry and I'm not gonna take it no more mentality that you hear Rush Limbaugh scream about daily.

    We need to find common ground, not common enemies, in order for us to actually move things forward. Regardless of the criminal investigations into Trump, voters have opened a Pandora's Box by not forcing him to abide by our established norms. No tax returns, no press conferences, no divesting of assets, no explanation of nepotism, etc.

    I get that folks like Trump, and in that ultimately trust him, but what happens when it's the next guy who you don't trust?

    4 votes