USDMB4's recent activity

  1. Comment on Why do everyone care about privacy so much? in ~talk

    A lot of people are skipping over an important point. Maybe the service you think you are giving your information to is, for the most part, harmless. But what happens when that information is...

    A lot of people are skipping over an important point. Maybe the service you think you are giving your information to is, for the most part, harmless. But what happens when that information is stolen? Who gets your information then? What is it used for?

    We've seen some of this with comments posted on the FCC website. Identities can be used online to make it look like you're doing something your not. That could have large consequences. Imagine you decide to run for office and someone digs up that 'you' (someone pretending to be you) spoke up against net neutrality. Imagine your wife Googles your name and finds out that 'you' are signed up to multiple online dating services, or the government thinks 'you' are funneling money to a terrorist organization.

    Even if your identity isn't taken, a lot of the pieces of information you give to google can be used to determine the unknown fragments. The same information that advertisers use to build a picture of you for harmless purposes can be used for harmful purposes as well.

    As long as it stays with Google, it's a relatively low risk. But it doesn't stay with Google. That's the concern.

    4 votes