VR20X6's recent activity

  1. Comment on Settling in to new social media patterns after the "Rexxit" in ~tech

    I wish I had the same experience. My local subreddit had all its mods step down and then it was taken over by crazies.

    citywide subreddits are still valuable to me

    I wish I had the same experience. My local subreddit had all its mods step down and then it was taken over by crazies.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on Reddit CEO pledges to not force subreddits to reopen. Admin team then immediately threatens moderators who closed their subreddits with removal. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Even so, the point about the replacements being low quality and short longevity is valid. What they're doing is likely going to backfire, and badly.

    Even so, the point about the replacements being low quality and short longevity is valid. What they're doing is likely going to backfire, and badly.

    3 votes