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  1. Comment on I wet the bed late into my teens and I have no idea why in ~health

    I can relate, I wet the bed until my teenage years too. I never had an explanation for it. It was embarrassing and out of my control. I'm happy to say I was not abused, so that wasn't a...

    I can relate, I wet the bed until my teenage years too. I never had an explanation for it. It was embarrassing and out of my control. I'm happy to say I was not abused, so that wasn't a contributing factor. I do remember at some point becoming aware that I was dreaming of urinating as it happened in real life, and eventually I was able to wake myself up whenever I realized I was having one of those dreams, in time to use the bathroom.

    As an adult, I've been in physical therapy for a pelvic tilt issue that impacts my urine retention. No idea if that was related to childhood bedwetting, I first saw a doctor about it in response to post-void residual dribbling.

    My spouse has observed that I typically fall asleep very quickly at night. I'm also a light sleeper, and can wake instantly if one of my kids knocks on the bedroom door, or if I need to use the bathroom. I think that's a learned thing, probably brought about by childhood bedwetting, and having small children, etc. As a kid I was a heavy sleeper. I have a weird memory: When I was around 5 or 6, we had a model railroad village built on a sheet of plywood, that we rolled on caster wheels to store under my bed. The plywood was wider than the bed so we pulled the bed away from the wall so it wouldn't stick out into the room. It was a bunk bed, and I slept in the top bunk. One night I rolled over and fell between the bed and wall, all the way under the bottom bunk. I woke up naturally, hours later, in the dark under the bed with little buildings and trees poking into my back, covered in that glittery grass stuff, totally disoriented. The point of my story being, apparently when I was little I could sleep through anything. Another contributing factor, perhaps?

    I'm not sure how old I was when it stopped. It was an infrequent occurrence in the first place, never nightly. Maybe monthly? I'm not sure. I didn't notice it hadn't happened in a while, until it had been a long while.

    Strangely, it happened one time after that, when I was 21. It was the night before I moved myself cross-country to start my adult life in a new place and I was a bundle of nerves about it. As far as I know there had never been any correlation between my bedwetting and anxiety, but there certainly was this time.

    So that's my story. I don't have any answers but maybe my data points will be useful. It's one of those taboo subjects that no one really talks about. Maybe in the medical community it's been studied but I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't. It's good to speak freely about this sort of thing so we can understand it better.

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