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  1. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Paradoxes by Southwell, Hayden, Picard. It's a neat collection of counter-intuitive results from maths, logic, philosophy and such. Perhaps not the most in-depth, but an option of having a handy...

    Paradoxes by Southwell, Hayden, Picard. It's a neat collection of counter-intuitive results from maths, logic, philosophy and such. Perhaps not the most in-depth, but an option of having a handy set like that on a bookshelf was enough to convince me to buy and read.

    Ring by Baxter. It's the fourth volume of Xeelee Sequence, and like other books by Baxter not something you pick for character writing but setting-centred story. I kinda have a love-hate relationships with his books, because it's some hard sci-fi (love) populated by bland people (hate) who can often be characterized in ten words with 3-8 to spare.

    Dunno if it counts, but I've been on a Girl Genius on-again off-again for the last decade, and now it's the 'on' time.

    4 votes