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  1. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

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    I had the opposite experience. I've played D1-D4 and invariably at some point I start feeling like "what am I doing with my life" / feel like I'm playing cow-clicker. Usually these has taken...

    I had the opposite experience. I've played D1-D4 and invariably at some point I start feeling like "what am I doing with my life" / feel like I'm playing cow-clicker. Usually these has taken hundreds of hours, but with D4 it happened pretty much after the campaign ended (well, before that but I had the carrot of finishing the game to chase).

    There's just so many areas where Blizzard just doesn't respect the player's time - horse cooldowns, long skill cooldowns, long dodge cooldowns, timer to leave dungeons, spending more time sorting/filtering gear than actually playing the game. Recent patch made the enemies take longer to kill so now you spend more time just running away waiting for your skills to recharge.

    I've dropped it for now and will probably check back in, in 6mo or so.