mgutz's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are your favorite CLI tools/applications? in ~comp

    (edited )
    Very good timing. I'm an American working remotely from the Philippines. Unfortunately due to the sudden pandemic lockdown, I am in a waiting queue to get fiber internet installed (weeks already)....

    Very good timing. I'm an American working remotely from the Philippines. Unfortunately due to the sudden pandemic lockdown, I am in a waiting queue to get fiber internet installed (weeks already). I have no choice to use my phone's hot spot, which is slow with frequent outages. I've since become productive working through ssh to a remote Digital Ocean box. I use about 400mb of data per day.

    Essential tools for low bandwidth and recommended terminal utils:

    • mosh: Mobile SSH. My SSH connection remains open no matter if I close my laptop, my phone runs out of data, etc. I run mosh through dtach to keep the client running in case I accidentally close the terminal. The only con is agent forwarding doesn't work well. I opted to generate secondary keys on the server itself.
    • tmux: Didn't think I would like it after using i3 and iTerm2. I was WRONG. It is TERRIFIC.
    • w3m: Text based browsing. Starting to like this flow over graphical browsing. I can read with more focus. Another benefit is the page buffer can be edited in vim quickly.
    • googler: Search google then launch links in w3m.
    • neovim + coc.nvim: I miss VS Code but this IDE-ish combination gets close for Javascript and Golang development.
    • ansible: Can't beat it for devops.
    • usql: psql for many databases. usql has variables etc.
    • ripgrep (rg): Fastest search. Stopped using silver searcher a while back.
    • jq: Json querying and setting.
    • ranger: Awesome text file manager.
    • ncdu: Interactive disk usage.

    BTW, latest Windows Terminal works great with tmux and mouse. I rarely use the mouse, but it comes in handy to select text in terminal and tmux. I run mosh from Ubuntu (WSL). Developing from Windows is great again.

    My workflow is:

    1. Open Windows Terminal
    2. Connect to Ubuntu WSL
    3. mosh to my Digital Ocean server
    4. start tmux
    5. code away
    2 votes