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  1. Comment on Place to learn Japanese in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    This is great advice. I would like to add that as long as you can consistently and sustainably do so while learning, read/watch what you want! If you are interested in it, reading is the fastest...

    This is great advice. I would like to add that as long as you can consistently and sustainably do so while learning, read/watch what you want!

    If you are interested in it, reading is the fastest way to acquire vocabulary words! To make sure that consuming content is as satisfying and painless as possible, I recommend that you use pop-up dictionaries like 10-ten and yomichan. Yomichan does require some setup but it should be well worth it to have a definition in a click or so; and you can also integrate yomichan with Anki to create flashcards for words that you encounter.

    Personally, I have been studying the language by myself for a little less than a year (Probably less, I am really inconsistent) and have read a novel, some manga here and there, and some light novels, albeit with the help of popup dictionaries but gaining large amounts of vocabulary. I began with a N5-N4 vocabulary flashcard deck and the Tae Kim Grammar site and blitzed through it in about three months, along the way beginning to read NHK easy articles and a bit of a web novel, again with the help of popup dictionaries. What has been your experience?

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