I used to work on call on a team that rarely ever got paged (~once a year), and if so it was usually easily fixable. We also got compensated for being on call regardless of whether or not we were...
I used to work on call on a team that rarely ever got paged (~once a year), and if so it was usually easily fixable. We also got compensated for being on call regardless of whether or not we were paged. In around 4 years of doing this there was only one page which required a lot of attention, but it was the worst incident of my life. If I consider the total compensation over that time period I'd say it was worth it, but I also don't miss it
I used to work on call on a team that rarely ever got paged (~once a year), and if so it was usually easily fixable. We also got compensated for being on call regardless of whether or not we were paged. In around 4 years of doing this there was only one page which required a lot of attention, but it was the worst incident of my life. If I consider the total compensation over that time period I'd say it was worth it, but I also don't miss it