sanjosanjo's recent activity

  1. Comment on Any RSS feed recommendations that aren't news? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I was looking at and trying to understand what it does. The site says that you can save content. Does it save material in your account, in case the original website disappears?

    I was looking at and trying to understand what it does. The site says that you can save content. Does it save material in your account, in case the original website disappears?

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Recommend lesser known YouTube channels that make well designed videos in ~tech

    This is well above your subscriber count, but I like the production quality of He visits historical places and gives a good first-person view of the...

    This is well above your subscriber count, but I like the production quality of

    He visits historical places and gives a good first-person view of the places. I liked all the German WW2 locations that he has visited. They also visit lots of Civil War videos, but I haven't watched them.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Good, quality YouTube channels? in ~tech

    Link For history, I enjoy The History Underground. The guy visits each place that he is discussing and his videos have really great production quality. I like...
    For history, I enjoy The History Underground. The guy visits each place that he is discussing and his videos have really great production quality. I like the guy and he does a good job of getting the viewer into the scene of how the history unfolded. I've been on a WW2 kick lately and he has posted a lot about his visits to areas in Germany. Unfortunately he just had all his equipment stolen in Athens last week, so his new content will be slow for the near future, but there is plenty of old content. I think he has done a lot of Civil War material, but I haven't been interested in that war yet.
    I like Mark Felton Productions for WW2 documentaries. He delves into lots of details of the downfall of the Nazis. He is a prolific British author.
    I like this for history and up-to-date research ancient Egypt

    1 vote