smashedcrab's recent activity

  1. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    First comment: Reddit refugee of 14 years. I'm predominantly an Xbox Series X/Game Pass Ultimate player. At the moment I'm playing Supraland: Six Inches Under and I was surprised: SPOILERthat Act...

    First comment: Reddit refugee of 14 years.

    I'm predominantly an Xbox Series X/Game Pass Ultimate player.

    At the moment I'm playing Supraland: Six Inches Under and I was surprised:

    SPOILERthat Act 2 started after the 'End Credits' song!

    I'm also playing Planet of Lana for my Microsoft Rewards Daily Achievement. The cat creature is cute! And you can pet it! And the world/art style itself is gorgeous. I'm probably going to forget all the commands tho.

    My 'main' game is Halo Infinite. I've never played ranked as I know I'm not good, lol, but I still enjoy social multiplayer even with all the issues plaguing it (network/desync being a major one). In saying that: 💚 Lucid!

    I do have a PS4 and enjoy their exclusives like Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn

    SPOILER for Horizon Forbidden West I love Nil and hope he has a bigger role in 3!

    I also have a Switch and use it just for Mario stuff; only Zelda game I ever played was a bit of Ocarina on the N64 but I never really took to it for some reason.

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