well_actulily's recent activity

  1. Comment on Lesbian group seeks human rights exemption to exclude trans women from Melbourne event in ~lgbt

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    My experience is the opposite, queer people are often the most affirming and supportive of transgender people, due to recognition of shared experiences and out of solidarity. In my opinion,...

    My experience is the opposite, queer people are often the most affirming and supportive of transgender people, due to recognition of shared experiences and out of solidarity.

    In my opinion, "feminist" and LGB people who are prominent in these circles are only front-and-center because they provide a convenient face for what would otherwise be the obvious, run-of-the-mill bigotry.

    Couching anti-trans bigotry in the language of egalitarian politics simply plays better in the media than Westboro-style fire and brimstone, despite the inherent contradictions. (And credulous journalists are all too happy to run with these narratives.) Since the far right has picked this ball up and started running with it in earnest, though—these people have become less and less important to the "movement", being supplanted by the usual suspects and demagogues of the far right.

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