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  1. Comment on Self-hosters! Share your reasons for self-hosting and favorite apps! in ~comp

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    I can't say much about storage, my use case is very simple so I just use the default "sqlite on the server" setting and mostly use it with bash or python scripts via curl requests or using the...

    I can't say much about storage, my use case is very simple so I just use the default "sqlite on the server" setting and mostly use it with bash or python scripts via curl requests or using the requests library with python.

    I will say on the reliability though, I've been using it for... 3 or so years and never once had any sort of problem that I can recall, it is beautifully simple :3

  2. Comment on Self-hosters! Share your reasons for self-hosting and favorite apps! in ~comp

    I'm in the middle of moving around my stuff since most of it is running on some raspberry pis that I'll be moving to a new NUC soon since there's some things that are just too much for a pi so...

    I'm in the middle of moving around my stuff since most of it is running on some raspberry pis that I'll be moving to a new NUC soon since there's some things that are just too much for a pi so those are running on a VPS or my own PC right now, which is bit of a mess, but I'm working on it :p

    Things I host:

    • Gotify - A server for push notifications. I use this to keep an eye on various services and scripts I have pushing message to it to make sure backups are done and such. I also have an app on my phone that mirrors phone notifications to it which is handy.
    • Navidrome - Fantastic music server for the odd time I want to listen to listen to music and I'm not at my PC, though it is a nice music player anyway
    • Home Assistant - For locally controlling the few "smart" things I have, isn't connected to the internet
    • File Browser - Nice web based file browser that I mostly use to quickly upload stuff from my phone
    • yarr - A very nice RSS reader
    • Pi-hole - DNS based adblocker for my non-PC devices
    • Forgejo - A git ui, like github
    • gotosocial - Small fediverse server
    • wallabag - A "read-it-later" service, saves web page content locally and lets you tag things for archival and just generally having one place to find articles and such for future reference
    • linkding - Bookmarks, pretty simple~
    • caddy - Web server/reverse proxy

    Also two discord bots I wrote~

    I'm switching to a NUC soon as I'm currently immich, which is quite alpha, but a very good photo sync/managing program on a VPS and I'd rather that locally, as well as wanting to run a jellyfin server somewhere dedicated instead off my PC.

    My reasons for self hosting is probably the same as a lot of people, I don't like trusting my things to big companies, be it the data itself or just avoiding the annoyance of these companies going out of business and losing my stuff.

    2 votes