6 votes

What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!


  1. [2]
    This morning I was in a bad mood and I couldn't get myself motivated to start the day, so I decided to break my promise to wait a while so I could binge the episodes later and watched the first...

    This morning I was in a bad mood and I couldn't get myself motivated to start the day, so I decided to break my promise to wait a while so I could binge the episodes later and watched the first two episodes of Uncle from Another World.

    Oh. My. God. I love it so much.

    A lot of westerners don't like the Japanese sense of humor because a lot of the time it's fairly lighthearted and doesn't pick on people too much. But Uncle's sense of humor is so incredibly dark it could be downright depressing. Our isekai uncle "hero" is an incredibly fantastic character; he's one hundred percent sincere and is always doing his best, but he's also incredibly dense when it comes to social cues. He's also very, very damaged. He literally carries a notebook of memories he wrote down because he used a magic spell to erase them from his brain because they're too terrible to deal with.

    This is one of those really rare shows that I feel was really written for me in particular. Our dear Uncle is obsessed with Sega, and they push that Sega nostalgia hard. Uncle is not only obsessed with Sega memorabilia of his youth, but the production actually has a bunch of Sega Easter eggs throughout it. And best of all, it's focused around their Saturn era, which we all know is Peak Sega.

    Of course, even though I do consider the humor to be dark in nature, it's not entirely ill-willed. The characters may be rotten at times, but the show does a good job at balancing the character's humanity. So when one of them does something that is clearly not the right path, part of why you're laughing is because they're relatable enough that you can clearly see how well things could have gone if they had just that little bit more awareness than they had at the time.

    I also just love how the anime is produced. I love the rough-hewn linework and the way the characters are put together. It does a lot to make the jokes pop out, especially how good the character's ugly faces are.

    4 votes
    1. asterisk
      Link Parent
      I agree with you. I like this type humor as well. But youʼre not so lucky because I have bad news for you: the next episode — 5th — will in 17 August, so in three weeks.

      I agree with you. I like this type humor as well. But youʼre not so lucky because I have bad news for you: the next episode — 5th — will in 17 August, so in three weeks.

      2 votes
  2. asterisk
    Maybe youʼre interesting in Ukrainian cover of Ergo Proxy openning.

    Maybe youʼre interesting in Ukrainian cover of Ergo Proxy openning.

    1 vote