6 votes

Horse girls and high stakes: Exploring Uma Musume’s impact on gambling culture

1 comment

  1. talklittle
    I found this article somewhat funny, because it's written by a not-really anime fan to provide an "outsider's" lol Japan kind of look into an anime/gaming phenomenon. The author uses Uma Musume as...

    I found this article somewhat funny, because it's written by a not-really anime fan to provide an "outsider's" lol Japan kind of look into an anime/gaming phenomenon.

    The author uses Uma Musume as a springboard to focus less on the anime itself, and more on IRL themes of gambling and horse racing and animal abuse (which aren't so funny).

    I don't personally play the game nor watch the anime, but admittedly my curiosity is piqued after knowing how popular it is in Japan. The idea of racing "horse girls" who are also idols is very amusing to me.

    1 vote