What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)
What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.
If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!
My slow watch through of Taiyou no Kiba Dagram continues! I've watched through episode 44 so far. Life has continued to be busy, and I haven't had a smuch time to sit down and watch anime as I'd like. I actually watched this a few weeks ago and forgot to write down my thoughts for this one after watching it.
This episode started off with more political intrigue. A series of false flag operations have begun to paint the guerillas in a bad light, by having mercenaries pose as them to rob banks and kill police/ordinary citizens during the process.
We also got some backstory on a couple of supporting/side characters. Rita, ditsy singer/semi gyaru character, used to be some type of stripper/adult dancer and was convinced to stop by Donovan (I'm pretty sure that's his name). This sheds some light on his character and makes you wonder what caused him to eventually flip sides and become so mercenary. Donovan ends up feeding Rita information and setting a trip for Dagram and company.
Through the power of plot armor the main characters are able to break out of the ambush without losing anyone and Dagram does what it does best, be the #1 mech and wreck the federation forces. A friendly newspaper then published an account of this ambush.
Seeing the ramifications of the political back and forth with propaganda being used to try and destabilize the other position is great. It's not the central theme and I feel like if I had watched this while I was younger I would have given the political element less focus.
Also there are pay phone booths in the far future on this planet and people complain about long distance calls costing so much while holding a bag of coins to pay the fees. This retro futurism is always great whenever I spot things like that!
I'm excited to finish this series! My goal is to have it be done this year. I have a couple of long flights coming up and I play to watch most of it during those.