6 votes

What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!


  1. voo
    Hello folks BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad Has anyone seen this one? It seems somewhat unpopular, this could be attributed to the fact that it aired in 2004, but I digress. Currently, I am about 17...

    Hello folks

    BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

    Has anyone seen this one? It seems somewhat unpopular, this could be attributed to the fact that it aired in 2004, but I digress.

    Currently, I am about 17 episodes in and it's very interesting to watch. The storytelling definitely has that "old" feel to it. However, with all due respect, there's a lot to dislike about this show. Of course, not all shows are for everyone, but this one in particular may be more of an acquired taste. The anime is based around a boy and his adventures with music, rock to be specific. It's fast and slow, real but fantasy. Some things linger, and some things pass by as if it never happened. The best way to describe this show is that it's rough around the edges. I can see why it doesn't have a large amount of fans, but it's a very interesting experience nonetheless. Personally, I enjoy it. In addition, the soundtrack is great!

    Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu

    This is a movie that just became available today. I haven't watched this one yet. I stopped 9 minutes in earlier this afternoon due to some.. circumstances. However, I plan on watching it from start to finish tonight. It's an hour and 44 minutes long, has something to do with cats, and is of the romance genre. But to give a brief first impressions review, the character's are quite different from what I expected. As well, the visuals are very pleasing to the eye, good stuff.

    Rental Girlfriend (Kanojo, Okarishimasu)

    Not an anime, yet, but a manga. I started reading this one a while ago. Unfortunately, I stopped reading it as well as many other mangas for some time, partially because of the shutdown of MR. Being a seasoned manga pirate, I understand that chapter updates are quite spontaneous and slow, more often than not. This is also the reason why I had stopped; I'd reached the end of the road for the time being, and just never happened to check back in for a while.
    I remember when I first read this, I was compelled to drop it because of how much I disliked the main character. I'm not sure what the accustomed level of vulgarness this community is at, but I'll say it anyway: I saw the protagonist as a bit of a degenerate. Although this isn't uncommon, it definitely turned me off the series. However, I found that that very personality adds its own humour to the story (of course the MC also has his good sides). In addition, everything about the main heroine is a blessing to my soul. For these reasons, and a few more, I had decided to keep going with the series.
    Fast forward to this week (lol), I've been back to reading this manga. There is the downside of not remembering certain details from the past, but it's fine for the most part. I'm just trying to catch up on the mangas that I haven't been able to get to over the past few months, maybe year, even. Rental Girlfriend being one of them. Going back to tie up loose ends is a nice thing to do(though, most of the series I'm catching up on are ongoing), and it eases my mind in a way.

    Take care

    4 votes
  2. ThyMrMan
    Man I'm really bad at finishing this weeks shows and posting on Saturdays. But anyhow, things are coming to a close across the board. And overall I'm not really loving many shows at all this...

    Man I'm really bad at finishing this weeks shows and posting on Saturdays. But anyhow, things are coming to a close across the board. And overall I'm not really loving many shows at all this season. I do wonder if I'm starting to hit the point where I've just seen so many things that it takes something really special for me to fall in love with it. Sure I like stuff like Kaguya, but that is more loving seeing a manga I like adapted. Also looking around at what is coming in the next season, noticed I already watched many of the Summer 2010 shows, and the Summer 2020 season is real bare and empty due to the virus. Was hoping that the virus would force the industry to change some methodology to allow shows to keep being produced and not have the animators and artists shoved together in offices, but I guess the industry is just going to try to outlast the virus and hope they don't have to change anything before running out of money and being forced to change.

    2020 Spring Week 11

    Shironeko Project ZERO CHRONICLE Ep 11
    This show has been an interesting rollercoaster in bad to decent to bad again. They had some decent stuff going on in the middle section, both sides were together and talking. Some romance blooming. And I could see at that point how these two groups could work together to take full control and change the way the world works. But instead things have just devolved in random fighting again, which is the weak point of the show by far.

    I don’t see any way they can make a satisfying conclusion at all, and while I’m not disappointed in the show at all. After all I didn’t have any expectations that be ruined. I am still sad that they couldn’t figure out how to recover it at all.

    My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Ep 12
    Well the final episode is here, and I can say I’ve lost interest in this show as it has progressed. I liked the show much more when it was just fun slice of life adventures and stuff, rather than progressing with an actual story. I also feel like the characters just didn’t grow enough for me to really love any of them. Sure, Katarina grows a bunch as the main character as you would expect. But for the rest of the cast I don’t think they have moved that much from where they started at all. I attribute it to just having way too many characters to work with that each can only really get a few minutes of development in general.

    I see they already announced a second season, and I don’t currently know if I will watch that second season or not. Guess we shall see later when it is actually released. Also planning on creating a full review for the show soon, so expect that.

    Princess Connect! Re: Dive Ep 11
    Find it kinda shocking that we are still adding more new characters this far into the show. I understand that in the original gacha game it would be normal thing to do, adding new characters at each step of the story. But when moving it over to the Anime I almost feel like it is starting to get confusing with how many new characters have been added quickly but not had a whole lot of time to develop at all.

    Also, even though it isn’t remotely the focus of the show I would love to learn more about the world. It feels like it has a rather complex and full world, and unfortunately, I will never learn about it unless I play the game.

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War? Ep 11
    Damn, this was a powerful episode. It was impactful via the manga, but some things come off even better when animated. The voice cast and animation add so much more impact to everything it is simply crazy.

    Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Ep 9
    You know, I don’t think this was actually that bad of an episode. It moved a bit too quick; we were introduced to the guy and he was captured in the very same episode. Just didn’t have enough build up at all for whoever he was, and he now just doesn’t feel important at all. But outside of giving the show more episodes I don’t really know what they could have done. They are just rapidly running out of time and still have a fair bit of stuff to finish up.

    I haven’t mentioned the visuals of the show in a while, and I still don’t like them at all. But after this many episodes I can just pretty much ignore them completely. Regardless of if they are terrible or amazing. Also, I don’t think I’ve mentioned the music before which some people have complained about. But personally, I don’t have any issue with the music and actually rather like the ED.

    I have to mention that I rather like Purin. She is just a fun fanboying style of character who just loves everything Batou does. And her voice actor is doing just a perfect job with the character. Overall, though Purin just adds a different style to the show that I enjoy.

    2010 Spring Throwback Week 11

    Night Raid 1931 Ep 11
    Somewhere along the way this show just lost interest for me. I don’t really know when it happened, somewhere near the halfway mark. But it just no longer interests me all that much anymore.

    House of Five Leaves Ep 11
    While we are getting some good backstory, it feels like it was coming super late in the show. I’ve been sticking with this show for many episodes now, and never once did I feel like I really loved the show. It isn’t overly interesting for me, or amazing in any way. Probably this just isn’t the style of show for me at all.

    The Tatami Galaxy Ep 10
    Seriously, what an utterly odd show. I don’t hate it at all, but I don’t love it. I really just don’t really know what to make of it at this point at all. Also, I wonder if they will explain how he has gotten trapped in this endless room, or how he escapes.

    2 votes
  3. Pistos
    Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- : As I watch this, episode to episode, I fluctuate between "hey, this is pretty good" and "meh". Yet, I continue to watch it :D . The premise is relatively...

    Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- : As I watch this, episode to episode, I fluctuate between "hey, this is pretty good" and "meh". Yet, I continue to watch it :D . The premise is relatively novel (to me, anyway): the protagonist dies and "respawns" several times throughout the story, as though in a video game. He keeps all his memories and experience gained (I don't mean XP, by the way) from the previous lives, but in each successive life, only some things "replay" the same way, while other things change about how fate unfolds for all the characters in the story. As such, the main character learns that he can never be too brazen about leveraging knowledge gained from past lives, as sometimes trying to do so backfires on him.

    DARLING in the FRANXX: I just randomly came across this, but the first episode hooked me because of the exciting combat scene(s). Overall, has a decent world-story, and you're often left with unanswered questions about a certain character's background story, why he or she is the way she is, and left with a hunger to find out more in the coming episodes. Genres/tags: mech, action, team of kids, academy/training facility, futuristic, fan service.

    1 vote