I had no idea that some museums allowed artists to do this, but it's a very cool idea. Had I known about a program like that at a museum in Miami (where I went to art school), I would have taken...
I had no idea that some museums allowed artists to do this, but it's a very cool idea. Had I known about a program like that at a museum in Miami (where I went to art school), I would have taken the opportunity myself!
I had no idea that some museums allowed artists to do this, but it's a very cool idea. Had I known about a program like that at a museum in Miami (where I went to art school), I would have taken the opportunity myself!
Link to the "copyist program" page at the Met.
Link to Jas Knight's copy of the painting vs the original. And to his Instagram account as well, since he is clearly a phenomenal artist, and wanted to see more of his work.