cfabbro's recent activity

  1. Comment on Enough with the bullshit (a letter to fellow bullshit sufferers) in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    It's actually worse than that. It's a naturopathic cooperative stakeholder group. I.e. An umbrella organization for snake-oil salespeople masquerading as health professionals meant to help them...

    See this lip balm that's got a seal that says its "Endorsed by the Institute of Natural Medicine"? Anyone ever heard of that institute before? No? That's because its created and operated by the advertiser's marketing department.

    It's actually worse than that. It's a naturopathic cooperative stakeholder group. I.e. An umbrella organization for snake-oil salespeople masquerading as health professionals meant to help them further promote their quackery and dangerously misleading "health" products and "treatments".

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Dive into 125 years of Audubon magazine covers, bird by bird in ~enviro

    Totally offtopic, but this article reminded me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is about a photographic negative assets manager at LIFE magazine who goes on an adventure to find one of...

    Totally offtopic, but this article reminded me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is about a photographic negative assets manager at LIFE magazine who goes on an adventure to find one of the photographers. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. It's incredibly imaginative and heartwarming.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on How come the mods on here keep editing the titles of my post to be exactly what they already were? in ~tildes

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I find Title Case incredibly incredibly annoying to read too. I honestly hate it more than even ALL CAPS or using capitalized WORDS for EMPHASIS. It somehow makes my internal reading voice get...

    I Only Personally Think About It When It's Every Word That Has The First Letter In Upper Case

    I find Title Case incredibly incredibly annoying to read too. I honestly hate it more than even ALL CAPS or using capitalized WORDS for EMPHASIS. It somehow makes my internal reading voice get glitched out, and it starts sounding like a William Shatner parody inside my head... By... Pausing... A... Fraction... Of... A... Second... In... Between... Every... Word.

    6 votes
  4. Comment on The road not taken is Guaranteed Minimum Income in ~finance

    Link Parent
    No need to delete this just because it was mentioned in a comment in another topic. It's a valuable post on its own.

    No need to delete this just because it was mentioned in a comment in another topic. It's a valuable post on its own.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on The history and economics of frozen orange juice in ~food

    Link Parent
    Yeah, unfortunately the title is a bit clickbaity. I was tired and couldn't think of a better one though, but if you can, I can change it to that. Edit: "The history and economics of frozen orange...

    Yeah, unfortunately the title is a bit clickbaity. I was tired and couldn't think of a better one though, but if you can, I can change it to that.

    Edit: "The history and economics of frozen orange juice" maybe? I changed it to that for now.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on Please stop externalizing your costs directly into my face in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Yep, there most certainly are. And not just on remote servers utilizing residential IPs either. E.g. A phone bot farm in action p.s. ignore the video desciption, that's actually a MaxPhoneFarm...
    • Exemplary

    there are almost assuredly botnets commenting/voting/retweeting etc.

    Yep, there most certainly are. And not just on remote servers utilizing residential IPs either. E.g.
    A phone bot farm in action

    p.s. ignore the video desciption, that's actually a MaxPhoneFarm located in Vietnam operated by MIN Software. Pics:

    5 votes
  7. Comment on From polar night to midnight sun, Finland's deep connection with light and dark has inspired a century of pioneering lamp designs in ~design

  8. Comment on US John F. Kennedy files expose family secrets: Their relatives were CIA assets in ~humanities.history

  9. Comment on How come the mods on here keep editing the titles of my post to be exactly what they already were? in ~tildes

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I actually don't use the crowdsourced titles feature for that same reason. I just use DeArrow to automatically turn the original titles into sentence case and remove any emojis in them. It's not...

    I actually don't use the crowdsourced titles feature for that same reason. I just use DeArrow to automatically turn the original titles into sentence case and remove any emojis in them. It's not perfect, since it doesn't recognize proper nouns and acronyms, but it's still way easier to read than the original titles.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on Do topic logs get deleted after a period of time? in ~tildes

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Another thing worth mentioning related to the reasoning behind the 30 day data purge is this part of the Announcing Tildes blog post: And, IMO, the two videos in those links are especially worth...

    Another thing worth mentioning related to the reasoning behind the 30 day data purge is this part of the Announcing Tildes blog post:

    Minimal user-tracking, better privacy

    Tildes collects as little user data as possible and no data will be voluntarily shared with third parties. User data will be treated as a dangerous byproduct, not an asset.

    Facebook's pervasive tracking has come under particular scrutiny recently, but the reality is that they are only one of thousands of companies performing heavy surveillance on their users. The reason for this aggressive data-collection is almost always the same: because it has value to advertisers. Since Tildes has no advertising, there's no compelling reason for tracking anything more than the minimum needed for functionality.

    And, IMO, the two videos in those links are especially worth watching (YouTube versions below):
    Haunted by Data - Maciej Ceglowski
    We're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads | Zeynep Tufekci

    cc: @b3_k1nd_rw1nd

    3 votes
  11. Comment on How come the mods on here keep editing the titles of my post to be exactly what they already were? in ~tildes

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Because without title standards and consistency you can end up with this: (examples taken from YouTube titles in my subscription feed) Which is obnoxious and a lot harder to read than if...

    Because without title standards and consistency you can end up with this:
    (examples taken from YouTube titles in my subscription feed)

    A look back at the life and career of boxing legend George Foreman

    BALLISTICS ALL SUMMER!!! LWR The Final Campaign 1.19.09

    DWARF FORTRESS FRIDAY (on Saturday) ~ A New Start... ~ Ask Questions!

    Murdering EVERY NPC In Atomfall - UK Fallout Warcrime Edition #sponsored

    U Sports Women's Hockey Championships: STFX X-Women (4) vs Alberta Pandas (1) | #CBCSports


    I Hired Random People To Join My Team


    Rapper FIRST time REACTION to Rod Stewart - Hot Legs! LMAO he snapped...

    African Kung-Fu Nazis & Why We Should Make Fun of Nazism | Video Essay

    Which is obnoxious and a lot harder to read than if everything were in sentence case. cc: @Fal

    p.s. I had to disable DeArrow to see/copy all the original video titles, since it automatically changes YouTube titles to sentence case for me. So for anyone else that also gets annoyed at obnoxious, clickbait, inconsistently formatted YouTube titles and thumbnails, I highly recommend it... along with ajay's other, more famous extension, SponsorBlock. I honestly wouldn't be able to tolerate using YouTube without them. ;)

    19 votes
  12. Comment on Taskmaster Australia Series 3, Episode 1 - 'For your Logie consideration.' | Full episode in ~tv

  13. Comment on Request: etiquette instructions for neurodiverse teens in ~life

    Link Parent
    Oh, damn! Thanks for the heads up, (and @kfwyre, @sparksbet too). Edited my above comment.

    Oh, damn! Thanks for the heads up, (and @kfwyre, @sparksbet too). Edited my above comment.

    8 votes
  14. Comment on Request: etiquette instructions for neurodiverse teens in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Edit: See comments below! The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) at UCLA could be worth investigating too. Especially since it even has treatment manuals that...

    Edit: See comments below!

    After some googling around a bunch; It looks like Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) seems like it might be worth @chocobean looking into. E.g.

    The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) at UCLA could be worth investigating too. Especially since it even has treatment manuals that can be purchased, and tons of Role Play Videos which seem to be almost exactly what OP was looking for:

    5 votes
  15. Comment on Request: etiquette instructions for neurodiverse teens in ~life

  16. Comment on Swedish companies join forces to steer children away from gang crime – dozens of big businesses from IKEA to Spotify back youth job initiatives as country grapples with epidemic of violence in ~life