13 votes

Dive into 125 years of Audubon magazine covers, bird by bird


  1. chocobean
    As much as I whine about modern UI and enshittification, some genuinely wonderful tech has emerged: interactive data visualization being one of them. This was a fantastic read : something that so...

    As much as I whine about modern UI and enshittification, some genuinely wonderful tech has emerged: interactive data visualization being one of them.

    This was a fantastic read : something that so many human beings worked on for so long, out of love and passion, takes on a life of its own. It's great to see insight on why certain decisions are made and changes through the year in tech, environment, and our focus on nature.

    Bonus Atlantic Puffin profile which includes "chainsaw snore" sound clip. I'm going to go see them this summer :)

    3 votes
  2. cfabbro
    Totally offtopic, but this article reminded me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is about a photographic negative assets manager at LIFE magazine who goes on an adventure to find one of...

    Totally offtopic, but this article reminded me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is about a photographic negative assets manager at LIFE magazine who goes on an adventure to find one of the photographers. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. It's incredibly imaginative and heartwarming.

    2 votes
  3. hobbes64
    A few years ago my family started participating in FeederWatch. I always thought it was interesting when we saw a large or rare bird in my neighborhood, but the main thing that I got out of the...

    A few years ago my family started participating in FeederWatch. I always thought it was interesting when we saw a large or rare bird in my neighborhood, but the main thing that I got out of the program was noticing how many different types of birds were visiting. So previously, if I saw a small bird, I just called it a sparrow. I found out that some of the birds I was seeing were sparrows, but way more of them were finches or chickadees or nuthatches or phoebes. I also started figuring out how to tell male birds from female birds (hint: the male ones are usually more colorful). It's a fun hobby to just pay attention to such things, and to notice the times of the year that certain types are common.

    1 vote