chocobean's recent activity

  1. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Oh gosh *blush. I only wish I were a fraction as insightful about things other than myself though haha, which should also be apparent from my interactions on Tildes

    Oh gosh *blush. I only wish I were a fraction as insightful about things other than myself though haha, which should also be apparent from my interactions on Tildes

  2. Comment on Brazilian rancher ordered to pay $50m for damage to Amazon in ~enviro

    Good job Brazil!!! 13 thousand acres is an insane amount of land damaged by one guy. That's roughly half of Richmond BC!

    Good job Brazil!!!

    Kruger had previously been forced to pay damages by Ibama for destroying 5,600 hectares (13,838 acres) in the Amazonian municipalities of Boca do Acre and Lábrea.

    13 thousand acres is an insane amount of land damaged by one guy. That's roughly half of Richmond BC!

    10 votes
  3. Comment on What GoFundMe conceals: The campaigns that fail in ~life

    I don't know how I would cope mentally, to put so much of my own personal tragedy, as it is happening in real time, into the public sphere and then have not even single person respond to my pain....

    I don't know how I would cope mentally, to put so much of my own personal tragedy, as it is happening in real time, into the public sphere and then have not even single person respond to my pain.

    It's one thing if it was in the game show format: essentially you're selling your sob story for a lottery. But I think most of the public was under the assumption that GoFundMe is easy and everyone at least gets a minimum something.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news

    ... (If we have fellow Cantonese speakers please wave hi~ a parody song was made for this hubbub, and an indepth analysis + commentary on PR, branding, and "what really is 'made in XYZ' in an...

    Historic Hong Kong tofu brand admits importing bean curd from China after food safety checks expose origin

    Fermented tofu from Liu Ma Kee – which was founded in in 1905 – has been promoted by the Tourism Board as a “distinctly Hong Kong ingredient.” The company failed two food safety checks in recent weeks and has since shut down.


    When asked why the brand had never clarified to customers that the raw materials were not from Hong Kong, Liu said: “We have already closed down. Do we really need to clarify?” (HK Free Press link)

    (If we have fellow Cantonese speakers please wave hi~ a parody song was made for this hubbub, and an indepth analysis + commentary on PR, branding, and "what really is 'made in XYZ' in an international world" here)

    4 votes
  5. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news

    Link Parent
    I don't know much about sports but even I know that Olympians need protein, and condoms. Funny priorities, Paris.

    I don't know much about sports but even I know that Olympians need protein, and condoms.

    That’s about 230,000 protection options, and if you do the math, that’s about 20 condoms per person for each of the 10,500 athletes.

    Funny priorities, Paris.

    5 votes
  6. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    If folks don't want to see drug paraphernalia or drug peddlers or vandalism or crime, sure, that's fine, send resources to target those things. Spend that 3 billion budget to clean up the province...

    If folks don't want to see drug paraphernalia or drug peddlers or vandalism or crime, sure, that's fine, send resources to target those things. Spend that 3 billion budget to clean up the province and fight crime, sure.

    But no, they're going to target homeless people.

    And what's the solution? People have proposed solutions, and they're shutting it down.

    Camper Resolution was supposed to be land leased to folks so they can live in very modest and very cheap trailer homes. They have 50 residents and a 800 strong waitlist, and 12 have found their own housing without city help.

    If you don't want folks in tents, put them in trailers on a lot. Get water and electricity and you're all set. But nope they're cancelling the lease and they have cut water and they're offering "beds" that are dangerous and further entrench people into poverty.

    The linkes article referenced caltrans. What are they doing but putting sharp rocks on where tents could sit.

    Three billion dollar budget that doesn't solve anything.

    10 votes
  7. Comment on Personal blogging in ~tildes

    I'd be very interested in a ~Blog, something that regularly features thoughts and musings and small discoveries from our resident members. There's a lot of diverse skills and talents and interests...

    I'd be very interested in a ~Blog, something that regularly features thoughts and musings and small discoveries from our resident members. There's a lot of diverse skills and talents and interests here.

    18 votes
  8. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Ooooh, what if it was to provide alibi for someone's innocence? You'd be subject to most of those but perhaps it could prevent someone innocent from going to jail?

    Ooooh, what if it was to provide alibi for someone's innocence? You'd be subject to most of those but perhaps it could prevent someone innocent from going to jail?

    2 votes
  9. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I love these. Some of not as useless as the blogger thinks, or at least not written specifically to be so. In-flight fight can do special effects mid-flight; snow-fake can for reals solve global...

    I love these. Some of not as useless as the blogger thinks, or at least not written specifically to be so. In-flight fight can do special effects mid-flight; snow-fake can for reals solve global climate change unless there's a hard limit on the amount of flakes he can fake; heal-punch is obviously great as a cleric etc.

    My personal one: being able to pull out exactly one moist tissue from any pocket you put your hand into, limit once a day.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Quite envious of all of those but especially this one. My brain doesn't seem to be able to store faces very well. If we use software to take an older photo of myself I've never seen before, move...

    As far as I know, I never forget a face and in general my memory is superb.

    Quite envious of all of those but especially this one. My brain doesn't seem to be able to store faces very well. If we use software to take an older photo of myself I've never seen before, move my face to someone else's body with different hair and clothing and context, I'm honestly not confident in being able to pick out my own face quickly from others with similar age/race/general description. I mean, I can recognise people after putting facts in place, it just takes me a while. Receiving new photographs of myself is always a mild shock. I have to heavily rely on clothing or other context clues (such as, I remember 8 of us were on that trip and here's friends 1-7, hence that one must be me), even for loved ones.

    If you're ever witness to a small non violent crime you'd be really good at remembering and pointing out the bad guys! You could be that guy in a courtroom shouting "it was this man and this woman!" pointing at them!

    It's probably also a great party trick when you remember names and faces of friends of friends of friends you only met one time years ago :D right?

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Avoidant personality disorder vs (covert) narcissist accusations in ~health.mental

    No matter what the labels are, it can be incredibly hurtful to be judged by our friends. It sounds like you're not in a good place right now, and although you mentioned being better "now", it's...
    • Exemplary

    No matter what the labels are, it can be incredibly hurtful to be judged by our friends. It sounds like you're not in a good place right now, and although you mentioned being better "now", it's probably too fresh to be diving into things like diagnoses with objectivity or proper self protection.

    Mostly basically what others have said already, but wanted to also chime in with a bit of support.

    Be gentle with yourself, which includes allowing time to heal and to accept that even if we're not all healed up yet and we're still banged up and covered in wounds, we are still lovely and loveable and it's okay to not yet be well for now. That even if we're not the best we could be yet, the love we have for ourselves is still worth taking in and holding on to. Approval from ourselves is okay: it gives us a basis to love others from, so that when we say "I love you" to another person, it's from one full and worthwhile person to another full and worthwhile person. Take care~

    11 votes
  12. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    What, pray tell, is the *thwock quality of slime? The scoopability is listed a a different quality so related but not the same I guess? Is the onomatopoeia related to when a scoopful of slime...

    What, pray tell, is the *thwock quality of slime? The scoopability is listed a a different quality so related but not the same I guess? Is the onomatopoeia related to when a scoopful of slime breaks off from the main body? How'd you get into slime? Man, it's a big world out there ! They look so fluffy and marshmallow-y! this niche hobby related to those translucent water pearls popular a few years ago? (Orb-bees?) Maybe an ASMR thing? I can understand maybe a handful of channels specializing in slime, but enough of it to warrant recommendation reels seems bigger than I'd thought

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Lol "what does the algorithm know about me that I don't know?" Reminds me of urban legends about seeing diaper ads before someone has even taken a pregnancy test.

    Lol "what does the algorithm know about me that I don't know?"

    Reminds me of urban legends about seeing diaper ads before someone has even taken a pregnancy test.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I was warned off of albinoBlackSheep and new grounds, along with the -chan type forums. I'm sure they also have a lot of fine and actually fun content but I'm more risk adverse than I am good.

    I was warned off of albinoBlackSheep and new grounds, along with the -chan type forums. I'm sure they also have a lot of fine and actually fun content but I'm more risk adverse than I am good.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That's a new angle I haven't thought of: the decline of wanted ready quality content behind a deluge of advertising. Maybe it's now as bad as searching for yarn or craft ideas or recipes, but for...

    That's a new angle I haven't thought of: the decline of wanted ready quality content behind a deluge of advertising. Maybe it's now as bad as searching for yarn or craft ideas or recipes, but for butts?

    I have no data for this and probably the least qualified person on the subject, but I imagine that OF work is the same as the rest of the gig economy: very few make anything like good money, and meanwhile their main profit is from the data users are generating for them. It's probably fairly easy to rotoscope live people performing actions that earn money, and eventually replace the faces with AI and bam, unlimited content they no longer have to pay creators for! Or at the very least be used as a threat to severely reduce payouts to human performers.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Firefighters in Canada battle to save Jasper's buildings, infrastructure as wildfire engulfs town in ~enviro

    They're probably going to have to prioritize the infrastructure, meaning the town's residence and commercial buildings will be given up. Super sad. It sounds like they're sending everybody. What...

    Structural firefighters are still in town trying to protect the town about 365 kilometres west of Edmonton. They are trying to protect buildings and critical infrastructure, including the wastewater treatment plant and Trans Mountain Pipeline — among others.

    They're probably going to have to prioritize the infrastructure, meaning the town's residence and commercial buildings will be given up. Super sad.

    It sounds like they're sending everybody. What will happen when we have two towns on fire? Will we eventually have to triage and decide which town's infrastructure to save and which town will just burn out?

    Nevertheless super glad everyone including park visitors have been evacuated

    10 votes
  17. Comment on Monday breaks the record for the hottest day ever on Earth in ~enviro

    When can world governments move to "we were lied to, we're going to sue oil and gas companies for everything they've got and use the money to reverse course" happen? 93% of EU citizens already...

    The Earth has set heat records for 13 straight months

    When can world governments move to "we were lied to, we're going to sue oil and gas companies for everything they've got and use the money to reverse course" happen?

    93% of EU citizens already believe climate change is a serious problem -- people aren't that stupid when they have less ExxonMobil lies to deal with in their governments. I've accepted climate collapse but I still want to see actions, and maybe even be proven wrong.

    10 votes
  18. Comment on Monday breaks the record for the hottest day ever on Earth in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    The Vancouver Aquarium has a pretty big south-side-up globe, and when one looks at it one can really see that most of the planet is ocean. Here's a picture but it looks bigger and more water-y in...

    The Vancouver Aquarium has a pretty big south-side-up globe, and when one looks at it one can really see that most of the planet is ocean. Here's a picture but it looks bigger and more water-y in person

    5 votes
  19. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    50% virus sounds crazy high! Heck even 5% :/ Speaking of viruses I guess modern day virus scanners are doing a really good job? I haven't had to think about it for a long time now. That, or the...

    50% virus sounds crazy high! Heck even 5% :/

    Speaking of viruses I guess modern day virus scanners are doing a really good job? I haven't had to think about it for a long time now. That, or the ones that make a bunch of dialog boxes to be annoying, or plays your ding sound, or generate porn pop ups....maybe that kind gave way to ones that just run quietly on your computer mining bitcoins or something?

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Delta cancels more flights as it struggles to recover from tech outage in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Fair, but if the lotions degrade to the point where they burn, the aftershave probably didn't do too well either. :) but hey maybe it gets better!

    Fair, but if the lotions degrade to the point where they burn, the aftershave probably didn't do too well either. :) but hey maybe it gets better!