b3_k1nd_rw1nd's recent activity

  1. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

  2. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    What does that have to do with anything? the CIA could release a really useful tool and if it has the open-source license, I see no reason not to trust it.

    Just saying Microsoft isn't exactly the GNU Foundation.

    What does that have to do with anything? the CIA could release a really useful tool and if it has the open-source license, I see no reason not to trust it.

  3. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    yea, that's why I use vscodium now.

    yea, that's why I use vscodium now.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    thanks! i dont suppose if you know if this has actually been documented anywhere though?

    thanks! i dont suppose if you know if this has actually been documented anywhere though?

  5. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    FTFY And correct. which is why all my unsaved files are in the same windows which I close last when I am done with my computer.

    If you have multiple windows open and more than 1 of them has unsaved files and close 1 of them, I don't believe you get this autosave functionality


    And correct. which is why all my unsaved files are in the same windows which I close last when I am done with my computer.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    VS Code does not prompt you if you have only 1 windows open with unsaved files.

    in the first case, it will probably prompt you "do you want to save your files" and if you say no it will (understandably) delete your unsaved files

    VS Code does not prompt you if you have only 1 windows open with unsaved files.

  7. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Are you basically arguing that that an open-source license on a codebase can't be trusted depending on who works on it?

    I only ask because VSCode is open source but Microsoft is.... Microsoft.

    Are you basically arguing that that an open-source license on a codebase can't be trusted depending on who works on it?

    1 vote
  8. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I am on Linux it's not open-source

    I'd recommend Notepad++ for this use case because it starts up in under a second. I don't save anything in n++ I just rely on its autosave and I never lose anything.

    I am on Linux

    Sublime is also a good choice, but for me Sublime is about 1 second to start up and has some learning curve whereas npp is dead simple and quick.

    it's not open-source

    1 vote
  9. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Open up VS Code, open a new file, type in random words and then close your VS code and then open it back up, that unsaved file with those random words will be persisted.

    I'm not sure what you mean. Unsaved files, as in files you did not explicitly save in, are just not saved at all. There is no backup. It's gone.

    Open up VS Code, open a new file, type in random words and then close your VS code and then open it back up, that unsaved file with those random words will be persisted.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I am, which is why that link you provided is not related to my question.

    If you're specfically asking about vscode's behavior of preserving dirty files that haven't been written to disk

    I am, which is why that link you provided is not related to my question.

    4 votes
  11. How frequently does vscode save dirty files?

    trying to settle on a program where I can jot down stuff and have some degree of confidence that it will persist and I can't seem to find any actual documentation from vs code as to: How often...

    trying to settle on a program where I can jot down stuff and have some degree of confidence that it will persist and I can't seem to find any actual documentation from vs code as to:

    1. How often unsaved files are saved so that they can be restored when a session is reopened
    2. if that frequency of how often they are saved can be configured?

    Sidenote: I was going to ask this question on SO but apparently I am at risk of a question ban for not asking "good quality questions". Half my questions on there are from when I was a fresh developer and didn't really know how to articulate my questions well. Really changes my opinion of the openness of SO......

    5 votes
  12. It seems to me that movie studios, production and distribution companies are to blame for the decrease in attendance in movie theatres

    disclaimer that I haven't done much research into this thought and it's mostly anecdotal but I doubt I am wrong? I personally don't go to theaters, except for comicbook movies. and the only reason...

    disclaimer that I haven't done much research into this thought and it's mostly anecdotal but I doubt I am wrong?

    I personally don't go to theaters, except for comicbook movies. and the only reason I go to theaters for comicbook movies is just cause I liked to discuss the comicbook movies on social media as soon as possible, but honestly, either I am getting really old or the redditors on /r/marvelstudios are getting young and younger everyday cause i go to those comments and it's not really a place I'd describe as open to a civil and non-memey discussion of the latest Marvel movie but I digress.

    Point being, I personally prefer to wait for movie to arrive at streaming services. why?

    1. I don't have to deal with other people.
      1. I went to watch Creed 3 near the end of its theater run. 3 people chose to sit in front of me when the whole auditorium was basically empty (they looked to be in their mid-late 20s, maybe even early 30s.) I didn't care. What I did care was that one of the dudes spent half his time on his fucking phone. To the point that I literally had to bend over and ask him to put it away and he still didn't. this idiot just attempted to angle the phone in a manner such that I couldn't see it, or so he thought, the light still was there, just less. At that point, I just got too resentful of theaters to tell him off again but felt very stubborn about not moving away from my seat.
      2. I went to watch Aquaman 2 (iirc on opening weekend). I knew the movie was not gonna be great going in, just wanted to mark the end of the DCEU in theaters. 3 young girls were sitting in the middle section. as the movie started, these girls started taking selfies of themselves for the grams or snapchat or whatever the fuck it was. The light from their phone was bright. There was a couple sitting a seat or 2 to my right. the dude and I collectively rolled our eyes at the girls. They took 1 picture. I was like "OK, thank God". 2 pictures, I think "let's hope the second take works". Third picture "this is ridiculous". by this point, I wanted to throw something at them and just leaned over and asked them to put their phone away. I may been asshole cause it seemed like I scared them with that comment and to be quite frank, I took pleasure that I scare them, even accidentally.
    2. Theaters are extremely non-inclusive. This one bugs me a lot just cause of Eternals and CODA and Hollywood pretending they are woke. Not sure if anyone here has ever tried to use the closed captioning devices. I am personally not deaf, but I do have trouble processing words. I am the kind of guy who will often ask people to repeat themselves to fully understand what they said. Obviously can't do that with a movie but reading closed captioning helps me process. I finally decided to start trying the closed captioning devices in theaters around the time of Avengers Endgame I think. It's very hit or miss. either the theater forgot to charge the device so it gives out halfway through the movie, or it's just all old and it's neck doesn't retain it's form when I twist it into the good position and it ends up pointing the closed captioning at someone who is a good 1 foot shorter than me or it's fully charged and can retain its form but the studios behind the movie didn't put any serious effort into the closed captioning so half the fucking words are missing, rendering it pointless. My gf and I went to watch Mad Max Furiosa in theaters the other day and the theater didn't even have any remaining, they had given their to the studio to fix and didn't have any in stock as a result.
    3. Not sure about the states but up here in Canada, our big chain is Cineplex and they are so desperate to charge us extra that they now charge an extra "service fee" that you get charged only if you buy online.
    4. And the classic complaint of "just the snacks cost us a movie and a half nowadays"

    However, I don't know if I blame the theater for my issues.

    I've read the stories about how Disney have theaters over a barrel with how controlling they are with how much of a cut of a theater tickets goes to Disney and how Disney insists on how many auditorium the theaters devote to their movies. And how theaters charge so much for concession cause they are trying to keep the lights on to some extent cause the studios demand so much of the profit. And if it's a struggle to keep the lights on, I am not surprised they can't be more enforcing with the policy of no-phones during a movie.

    It seems to me the studios, in an attempt to "maximize" their profit as much as possible, demanded as much as possible from theaters, while not realizing that the less of a cut that theaters take, the less theaters can invest in a welcoming environment where people actually want to go to and therefore people come less cause couple that with streaming services, why wouldn't people come less?

    So I think the demise of theaters and the rise of streaming service can't just be attributed to how much more convenient it is to wait 8 months for a movie on streaming service but it's also attributable to the decline in quality at theaters which I think is cause studios are bleeding them dry.

    So I find it odd that studios and production companies bitch moan and complain that people don't go to movies more in a time where a movie has to make 500 million $ just to be considered profitable but they've never really done any proper self-reflection on a possible reason why people don't go to theaters as much anymore.

    23 votes
  13. Most reliable privacy-conscious notes app?

    as the title indicates, I am in search of a reliable privacy-conscious notes app, I have tried the following which have the indicated bugs that I frequently experience and make the notes app feel...

    as the title indicates, I am in search of a reliable privacy-conscious notes app, I have tried the following which have the indicated bugs that I frequently experience and make the notes app feel unreliable or just too inconvenient:

    1. NextCloud Notes:
    • https://github.com/nextcloud/notes/issues/1187
    • bug is that sometimes I have to rename a note 2-3 times in the browser for it to take
    • bug where the pop-up menu doesn't go away after favoriting a note
    • and the nextcloud android app has its own slew of issues
    1. StandardNotes app: I remember the app being really buggy on Firefox to the point where I had to regularly use Brave just for that app.
    32 votes
  14. How does one engage in criticism of Israel without stooping to anti-semitic tropes?

    I write this topic knowing that it might get removed for being too controversial or incendiary or bring the anti-Semites out of the woodwork, in which case, I understand why this topic might get...

    I write this topic knowing that it might get removed for being too controversial or incendiary or bring the anti-Semites out of the woodwork, in which case, I understand why this topic might get removed.

    I am just hoping that tildes has a better capacity of engaging in such a charged topic, at least more than reddit.

    onto my question:

    Like anyone else who watches the news, I have been pretty aware of what is going on in the latest escalation of the Israel-Palestine war. I would not claim to be the most educated person ever, but I'd like to think I at least understand the broad-strokes.

    And I consider myself generally a progressive person (not a liberal) so I personally am not a big fan of the Israeli govt. And yes I do condemn Hamas, I don't care what your struggle is, Oct 7th was a terror attack and only makes the situation worse for the people you claim to be freedom fighters for.

    Having said all that, and seeing how much control Israel seems to have on the western powers, or specifically U.S., I will admit, my thoughts sometimes veer towards "they really do control things" and shit like that, but then 10 seconds later, I realize how ye-like that sounds and it's the exact same kind of thinking that led to the Holocaust. But then I also wonder if that is not entirely my fault and more because of the Jewish leaders who insist on making fervent support of Israel a strong part of their identity, thereby linking any criticism of the Israeli govt with criticism of Jewish people (or at least the Jewish leaders in the media who are supportive of Israel) rather than distancing themselves from a right-wing government.

    So yea, I guess my question is: I don't think its entirely unreasonable to think that Israel has a surprising amount of control over western powers (specifically U.S.) but that sentiment in and of itself also veers dangerously close to antisemitism for my liking so I wondered how folks on here approach it?

    38 votes
  15. Comment on I wet the bed late into my teens and I have no idea why in ~health

    Link Parent
    i've honestly considered that answer (child abuse which in my case was a mixture of emotional neglect and lack of validation) but the reason I lean towards dismissing that answer is that the...

    i've honestly considered that answer (child abuse which in my case was a mixture of emotional neglect and lack of validation) but the reason I lean towards dismissing that answer is that the problem when away while I was still living with my family.

    If it had gone away once I had moved out, that would've made it more clear to me. but I continued to live with family till my early 20s. So if that is the answer, really makes me wonder why it stopped before I stopped being in that environment.

    10 votes
  16. I wet the bed late into my teens and I have no idea why

    So I continued to wet the bed way past 7 and I have no idea why. different family members chalked it up to different reason: I am lazy I am a very deep sleeper I have a very anxious personality...

    So I continued to wet the bed way past 7 and I have no idea why.

    different family members chalked it up to different reason:

    1. I am lazy
    2. I am a very deep sleeper
    3. I have a very anxious personality
    4. bladder issues

    Amongst other things.

    One thing I can see being a cause was that I was not raised in a peaceful household. It was a very violent household. not in the sense of physical violence like broken arms and such, more as in lots of yelling and screaming and things like that. My family really didn't know how to communicate well.

    But I was not the only child raised in my household and I was the only one who wet the bed.

    Anyways, different thing were tried, things to supposedly "fix" my bladder. shaming, etc. Growing up, my family had to always wake me up at around 4 or 5 am and take me to the bathroom, otherwise there was a good chance I'd wet the bed.

    I personally was getting worried that it was a problem I'd have forever and it'd be an impediment to my social life (as in no sleepovers and etc (not that I had had friends at that age anyways)).

    But I did start to notice that once I got into high school, it started happening less and less. Still did happen, but just wasn't as common. Then, I remember the last time it happened was when I was either in grade 10 or 11 but I am pretty sure grade 10.

    Then that was it.

    It just stopped on its own.

    Weird thing is, I changed nothing about myself.

    I'd still classify myself as lazy and a very deep sleeper and I still have an incredibly anxious personality.

    The only thing that changed is that when I am asleep, and as my bladder is filling up, something in my bladder (or my brain) instead of just releasing, would instead block the urine until I wake up in pain and go to the bathroom. The change really caught my attention when I woke up with a really full bladder like 2-3 years ago and I remembered how a little over 10 years ago (I am in my 30s), no way my body would've reacted to it by holding it in involuntarily until I woke up.

    I tried doing a bit of googling to figure out what parts of the body are involved in the process of holding in one's pee overnight to try and see what are the possible reasons for the change to occur so late in me to no avail.

    I am forever curious what happened in my body to make that change happen so late but not sure I will ever know.

    20 votes
  17. Comment on For proponents of "vote for the lesser of two evils", what is your endgame? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I think what I mean is the fact that America flips between blue and red and hasn't self-destructed kinda proves the "democracy will die if the other side wins" argument wrong. And you might make...

    Do you mean "so why do you believe [that the other party is evil]" or "so why do you keep only voting for one party" or something else?

    I think what I mean is the fact that America flips between blue and red and hasn't self-destructed kinda proves the "democracy will die if the other side wins" argument wrong.

    And you might make the argument that "well Trump was unwilling to accept defeat and was the reason for the January 6th riots" and proves that another Republican presidency might finish the end of democracy that the previous one started, my question then becomes "so you are basically hoping that America never has a republican president again?"

    1 vote
  18. Comment on For proponents of "vote for the lesser of two evils", what is your endgame? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I also disagree with that characterization. Some people using that strategy dislike both but just dislike one party more than the other.

    you vote for the side that most closely aligns with your own beliefs.

    I also disagree with that characterization. Some people using that strategy dislike both but just dislike one party more than the other.

  19. Comment on For proponents of "vote for the lesser of two evils", what is your endgame? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    you really think Trump is the issue and not just a symptom of the deeper divisiveness in America?

    you really think Trump is the issue and not just a symptom of the deeper divisiveness in America?

    5 votes
  20. For proponents of "vote for the lesser of two evils", what is your endgame?

    If I understand folks with that PoV correctly: if you are a democrat or typically vote democrat, you generally think that republicans are a danger to democracy, bad for the lives of minorities,...

    If I understand folks with that PoV correctly:

    if you are a democrat or typically vote democrat, you generally think that republicans are a danger to democracy, bad for the lives of minorities, and the disadvantaged/LGBT+, etc.
    If you are a republican or typically vote republican, you generally think that democrats are a danger to democracy, divide the country with identity politics, etc.
    (obviously I am making sweeping generalizations of both camps off the top of my head but hopefully the point comes across)

    But, I don't get what your endgame is. Like, you make it seem like if the other party wins, the country is screwed. but you can't possibly think that the country will forever vote for your party for President, right? So you think America is destined to go downhill depending on how many years the opposing party is in power?

    America flips between red and blue. So the other party is bound to win at least once a decade imo. and yet I hear how democracy is more at stake now than it's ever been if "the other party wins". So I don't get the long-term viability of "lesser of 2 evils" approach.

    Since I doubt America will become less angry and divisive anytime soon thanks to yallls 24 hour news networks and the social media companies that make more money the more Americans are mad at each other.

    Then again, I am by no means an expert so where am I wrong or have I misunderstood something?

    13 votes