Douglas Adams and Iain M. Banks
I've just started reading The Culture novels by Iain M. Banks, and am currently reading A Player of Games. This might be a controversial thing to say, but I'm getting some Douglas Adams vibes, especially in his depiction of the drones. Am I the only one who feels a certain connection there?
Banks was a big fan of Adams, so it's not implausible there are little hints here and there in his texts. I can't say I've picked up more than the occasional whiff though. Player of Games is probably the most likely to contain such references too (it's also one of my favourite Culture books).
They were both fans of Asimov too, so there's that shared DNA to consider.
Banks has plenty of humor and the same playfulness as Adams. I think you will like Excession which has plenty of hilarious banter between intelligent spaceships.
That does sound fun! I'll get to Excession soon enough 🤗
The Minds are one the best things about The Culture, and yeah, some of them feel straight up like Marvin for example. I've never realized it, but I can see where you're coming from.
Yeah, I was picturing Marvin most of the times he was describing the drones in Player of Games. I love it!