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  • Showing only topics in ~books with the tag "folk tales". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Recommendations, specific folk tales: Sisphyus and others

      Hello, not sure if this belongs in books? Because I am looking for all forms of story telling (with an emphasis on folk tale, however). Are there any other stories out there similar to: Sisyphus,...

      Hello, not sure if this belongs in books? Because I am looking for all forms of story telling (with an emphasis on folk tale, however).

      Are there any other stories out there similar to: Sisyphus, "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly", and the Herculean task of slaying the hyrda?

      For me the theme is, if you don't deal with the root problem, you're screwed/can't win.

      Doesn't have to be English based, but I'll need a translation if it's not.

      Thank you in advance!

      11 votes
    2. On the 18th October, Finland celebrates National Fairy Tale Day – share childhood favourites, recommend lesser known tales, or even get a little creative and make up your own

      Articles Hevosenkenkä Theatre will publish an online audio play for children to enjoy on Finland's national Fairy Tale Day On the occasion of Finland's national Fairy Tale Day, Hevosenkenkä...


      Hevosenkenkä Theatre will publish an online audio play for children to enjoy on Finland's national Fairy Tale Day

      On the occasion of Finland's national Fairy Tale Day, Hevosenkenkä Theatre, an Espoo children's theatre has prepared a special surprise for all children who were eagerly awaiting this Finnish tradition.

      Today, 18 October, the theatre will release an audio play of the story “The Bear That Wasn't” as a virtual gift to all those who were eager to visit in person but were unable due to the pandemic. The audio play is also part of the theatre's programme celebrating its own 45th anniversary.

      TheMayor.eu – Anton Stoyanov – 18th October 2020

      The other worlds of fairy tale – in pictures

      Take a tour of the British Academy and Folio Society exhibition of fairy tale illustrations from all over the world, exploring the idea of ‘other worlds’ from China to Native America.

      The Guardian – Unknown – 12th May 2015


      Scandinavian Folk & Fairy Tales: Tales From Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Iceland

      A collection of folk literature from five countries, with illustrations by native artists.

      Good Reads – Claire Booss – 26th October 1988

      Ten of the best fairy tales everyone should read

      The best fairy tales are timeless and yet forever modern, tapping into deeply held and widely shared emotions and moral attitudes. The following constitutes not an exhaustive list of the definitive fairy tales, but rather our attempt to pick the top ten greatest fairy stories.

      Interesting Literature – Dr Oliver Tearle – 10th July 2017

      11 votes