6 votes

Day 21: Monkey Math

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/21

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. bhrgunatha
    Finally some code I feel I can publish. Part 1 Racket has promises built-in so I decided to just lazy evaluation. Racket promises are created with delay and evaluated using force but there's very...

    Finally some code I feel I can publish.

    Part 1

    Racket has promises built-in so I decided to just lazy evaluation. Racket promises are created with delay and evaluated using force but there's very neat form lazy which will go all the way through the chain until everything is evaluated which is ideal for this problem since I don't have to keep checking "are we there yet?" on all those promises.

    (define NUMBER   #px"^(\\w+): (\\d+)$")
    (define EQUATION #px"^(\\w+): (\\w+) (.) (\\w+)$")
    (define (part-01 input)
      (force (hash-ref (parse-monkeys input) "root")))
    (define (parse-monkeys input)
      (define monkeys (make-hash))
      (for ([l (in-list input)])
        (match l
          [(pregexp NUMBER (list _ name num))
           (hash-set! monkeys name (string->number num))]
          [(pregexp EQUATION (list _ name l op r))
            monkeys name
            (lazy ((case op [("+") +] [("-") -] [("*") *] [("/") /])
                   (force (hash-ref monkeys l))
                   (force (hash-ref monkeys r)))))]))
    Part 2

    I considered re-arranging the expressions so it formed a valid equation for the value of humn as in classic algebra. I will come back to this because it sounds like a nice problem. Instead I chose a binary search for the right value of humn.
    My "clever" part 01 solution won't work nicely because once a promise is forced, it doesn't change which makes it trickier.
    Instead I wrote a simple evaluator for the tree and did the binary search for the value of humn required. I chose 2128 but in the past I've used a continual doubling range when the limits are unknown. It worked out OK.

    (define (part-02 input)
      (define-values (tree human target) (human-ancestor input))
      (find-human-value tree human target))
    ;; which side has humn?
    ;; return the tree, humn parent, value of the other side for root to match.
    (define (human-ancestor input)
      (match-define (list _ left _ right)
        (for/first ([eqn (in-list input)]
                    #:when (string=? "root" (substring eqn 0 4)))
          (string-split eqn)))
      (define original (expression-tree input))
      (define changed  (hash-update original "humn" add1))
      ;; if left evaluations are the same, then right is humn
      (if (= (evaluate-tree original left) (evaluate-tree changed left))
          (values original right (evaluate-tree original left))
          (values original left  (evaluate-tree original right))))
    (define (find-human-value tree node target)
      (define (search from to)
        (define mid (quotient (+ from to) 2))
        (define e (evaluate-tree (hash-set tree "humn" mid) node))
        (cond [(> from to) 'fail]
              [(= e target) mid]
              [(< e target) (search from (sub1 mid))]
              [(> e target) (search (add1 mid) to)]))
      (search 0 (expt 2 128)))
    (define (expression-tree input)
      (for/fold ([tree (hash)])
                ([line (in-list input)])
        (match line
          [(pregexp NUMBER (list _ name num))
           (hash-set tree name (string->number num))]
          [(pregexp EQUATION (list _ name l op r))
           (define f (case op [("+") +] [("-") -] [("*") *] [("/") /]))
           (hash-set tree name (list f l r))])))
    (define (evaluate-tree tree node)
      (match (hash-ref tree node)
        [(? number? n) n]
        [(list op l r)
         (op (evaluate-tree tree l) (evaluate-tree tree r))])))

    Using this evaluate-tree solves part 1 a little quicker than the promise version but I got to discover the lazy form.

    1 vote
  2. wycy
    Python Python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from typing import List from typing import Tuple import re import sympy as sy def get_data(filename: str) -> List[str]: with open(filename,'r') as...


    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    from typing import List
    from typing import Tuple
    import re
    import sympy as sy
    def get_data(filename: str) -> List[str]:
        with open(filename,'r') as f:
            lines = f.read().splitlines()
        return lines
    equation_pattern = re.compile("([\w]{4}): ([\w]{4}) (.) ([\w]{4})")
    constant_pattern = re.compile("([\w]{4}): ([\d]+)")
    generic_pattern  = re.compile("([\w]{4}): (.+)")
    class Equation(object):
        def __init__(self,line):
            matches = re.search(equation_pattern, line)
            self.name  = matches[1]
            self.left  = matches[2]
            self.right = matches[4]
            self.op    = matches[3]
    def part1():
        # Input
        input = get_data(sys.argv[1])
        monkeys = {}
        equations = []
        for line in input:
            if matches := re.search(constant_pattern,line):
                monkeys[matches[1]] = int(matches[2])
        # Solve
        while len(equations) > 0:
            for eqn in equations:
                if eqn.left in monkeys and eqn.right in monkeys:
                    monkeys[eqn.name] = int(eval(f"{monkeys[eqn.left]} {eqn.op} {monkeys[eqn.right]}"))
            equations = [eqn for eqn in equations if eqn.name not in monkeys]
        print(f"Part 1: {monkeys['root']}") # 152479825094094
    def part2():
        # Input
        input = get_data(sys.argv[1])
        monkeys = {}
        for line in input:
            matches = re.search(generic_pattern,line)
            monkeys[matches[1]] = matches[2]
        # Build equation
        eq_l = monkeys['root'].split()[0]
        eq_r = monkeys['root'].split()[2]
        while len(monkeys) > 0:
            for word in eq_l.split():
                if word in monkeys:
                    eq_l = eq_l.replace(word,'( '+monkeys[word]+' )')
            for word in eq_r.split():
                if word in monkeys:
                    eq_r = eq_r.replace(word,'( '+monkeys[word]+' )')
        # Solve
        eq_l = sy.parse_expr(eq_l)
        eq_r = sy.parse_expr(eq_r)
        x = sy.symbols('humn')
        part2 = sy.solve(eq_l - eq_r)[0]
        print(f"Part 2: {part2}") # 3360561285172
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    1 vote