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Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread

General Programming Q&A thread! Ask any questions about programming, answer the questions of other users, or post suggestions for future threads.

Don't forget to format your code using the triple backticks or tildes:

Here is my schema:

CREATE TABLE article_to_warehouse (
  article_id   INTEGER
, warehouse_id INTEGER

How do I add a `UNIQUE` constraint?

1 comment

  1. archevel
    (edited )
    I've been playing around with Blazor Webassembly a bit and wanted to try building something simple that integrates with the app we build at work. However I'm running into some issues that I think...

    I've been playing around with Blazor Webassembly a bit and wanted to try building something simple that integrates with the app we build at work. However I'm running into some issues that I think are CORS related. My naive setup is to run the regular app as usual exposing a basic json api, running on e.g. https://localhost:41234. Then I've created a standalone Blazor Webassembly project and run that separately, running on https://localhost:5555. Unfortunately this doesn't work and I think I need to configure the apps to allow requests to come from the Blazor app. Has anyone run into a similar issue? Is there an easier way if I just want to get started talking to an external API from the Blazor app?

    Edit: I think I can just add some config to the web api to enable CORS and allow everything when running in Dev mode... It would be nice if this was simpler tbh.

    1 vote